"Unable to scan network" which I'm getting while wifi scanning


Jul 26, 2011
Hi guys
When I turn on the wifi and start to scan the network , I got “Unable to scan network” message and then it’s getting off after that automaticly… as I checked , I saw that my mac address is unavailable …
So is there any way to solve it ? or upgrade it ?
Thanks in advance
I've had a few glitches when changing ROMs.
Usually a reboot can fix the problem.
When that doesn't happen, I re-flash the ROM.
Then it has worked.

I've been using FroyoFusion, and have had no difficulties.
The link to the Thread is in the signature block.
:(I'm having the same problem. I have reset factory defaults and the tablet will find my home wifi OK for a couple of starts, then 'no go'. The tablet is not out of range, the antenna from my router is less than a metre away and both my desktop and laptop work fine on the network on wifi. If I reset factory defaults again, it finds the wifi network, then again after two or three more starts, loses contact. Help.:confused:

Had this happen at work, what i did was add the name of the network manually..

Hope that helps

Sent from my IDEOS S7