Unable to unlock tablet as touch keyboard half offscreen?


May 19, 2013
This is hard to explain in writing so here's a photo:

This tablet belongs to a work colleague, it is unbranded but he says its based of a Googlepad(?).
No idea what version of android it runs on.
It has an external keyboard but that isn't being detected, not sure if that's related or if the port has gone faulty.
Tried dragging the on-screen keyboard, swiping, pinching etc. No joy

I don't have the thing in front of me or I could maybe provide more details

Any ideas?

Welcome to the forum
That's pretty strange. See if holding the power button 15 seconds or so will allow it to restart and solve the problem. The things like pinch don't work until you can get past the lock screen. If you can't get any help there it may need to be factory reset.