Uninstalling system files with root explorer


Jun 8, 2011

I want to get rid of the new market, and for that I want to uninstall market updater. I also need to uninstall old ROM Manager 4.3 so that I can update to ver (new market do not let me).

I have root explorer, but there is no uninstall option, and when I try to delete, it says they are system files, etc. etc.

Can somebody show me how and where I can change the permissions of the updater, etc so that I can uninstall?

Another question is: In the Android world, is uninstall and delete the same thing?

Thanks for answers,
Uninstall the marker updater app. (I used Titanium Backup to do it.) Then, uninstall the updated market in settings/applications/market. Clear data and cache as well & reboot. You should now be back in the old market. If you do not see Rom Manager in your apps just search for it and you will see the update button. You might want to tick the "auto update" box this time so it is automatic.
Rom manager should be available at the applications .are you sure that you can't uninstall it from there?

Unleashed from Nook Color on Cm7 Nightly 162 @1.200Mhz
I recommend that you first use an app that freezes the apps you want to remove. Just in case you get over zealous and remove something you need. After you freeze the unwanted app and use your device for a bit you can make sure it isn't providing a service that other apps need.

Titanium Backup has the ability to freeze apps, but there are other options.

Whenever you use Root Explorer and want to make changes in a system folder you need to tap the Mount r/w button at the top of the screen. Be careful - you can brick or lock up your device by removing the wrong files or making the wrong changes in a system file.
Rom manager should be available at the applications .are you sure that you can't uninstall it from there?

Unleashed from Nook Color on Cm7 Nightly 162 @1.200Mhz

Yes, I can "force stop" the application, but there is no "uninstall". instead of "uninstall" at right of "force stop", there is "cancel"
Update: with TiBU, at last, I found a way to uninstall the old ROM Managaer, and the market updater.. market seems ok, but it does not show ROM Maanager
I tried installing a ROM Manager 4.4.07.apk with adb command, but I got the answer like "INSTALL FAILED UPDATE INCOMPATIBLE".
Did you also go into settings/applications/market and uninstall the update and clear the data/cache? Once you get back to the old market just search for ROM Manager and it should have an install button. You didn't really need to uninstall the old one. The new one would have just written over it as an update.
Did you also go into settings/applications/market and uninstall the update and clear the data/cache? Once you get back to the old market just search for ROM Manager and it should have an install button. You didn't really need to uninstall the old one. The new one would have just written over it as an update.
I had already done that.. ROM Manager is missing even in the old market. there is rom mnager janitor, room toolbox, etc.. but no rom manager
I had already done that.. ROM Manager is missing even in the old market. there is rom mnager janitor, room toolbox, etc.. but no rom manager

Then you have bigger issues as ROM Manager shows up on the market website as compatible with my devices and the only device I have is the NC running CM7.
Are you looking for ClockworkMod ROM Manager? It is definitely inthe Market. If you can't find it you might try and find the .apk and side load it.
Are you looking for ClockworkMod ROM Manager? It is definitely inthe Market. If you can't find it you might try and find the .apk and side load it.

Yes.. Following is from my second post of this very thread:

Update: with TiBU, at last, I found a way to uninstall the old ROM Managaer, and the market updater.. market seems ok, but it does not show ROM Maanager
I tried installing a ROM Manager 4.4.07.apk with adb command, but I got the answer like "INSTALL FAILED UPDATE INCOMPATIBLE".
Can you install the older version like patruns suggested? As he stated you don't need to unistall the old version to update to the new version. So if the new version isn't loading you can try the old version and then update from whithin the app.

If that does't work, then you should make sure you have the correct settings to use the new market (change the lcd density to 160 from 161). You can also use the old Market instead of the new one if you don't want to change the lcd density though that defeats your update of the Market. YOu can also try clearing the cache for the Market. There are several threads dealing with the Market issues if part of what you are running into is Market/lcd compatablity issues.

If you still can't get it to work after that, then it is likely that patruns was also correct in saying that you probably have bigger problems. When all else fails you can wipe the slate and start fresh.

Can you install the older version like patruns suggested? As he stated you don't need to unistall the old version to update to the new version. So if the new version isn't loading you can try the old version and then update from whithin the app.

If that does't work, then you should make sure you have the correct settings to use the new market (change the lcd density to 160 from 161). You can also use the old Market instead of the new one if you don't want to change the lcd density though that defeats your update of the Market. YOu can also try clearing the cache for the Market. There are several threads dealing with the Market issues if part of what you are running into is Market/lcd compatablity issues.

If you still can't get it to work after that, then it is likely that patruns was also correct in saying that you probably have bigger problems. When all else fails you can wipe the slate and start fresh.


I am already using the old market, and the lcd density is already 160:)
The story is like that:
I wanted to install nightly 177, the ROM Manager I had (4.3.something) was not able to do it, so I downloaded the nightly and installed it from sdcard. then sdcard was not mounted, unreadable.
Gone all the apps, and all my TİBU backups.
What came was the new market, saying "No" to everything I wanted to install.
For the ROM Manager the reason was "because of my location/country" whatever. For that reason no update for the old ROM Manager.
I found an ROM Manager apk somewhere, but I could not install it using "install adb" routine because there was already a ROM Manager.
After tweaking build.prop, uninstalling market updater, now I am back to the old market, and no rom manager(uninstalled using TiBU), I tried to use the sdk to install rom manager anew, but it did not work.

Bottom line: I am using NC OK with ROM Manager missing (ROM Manager was not effective when I wanted to smoothly upgrade ROM at the first time, so I wonder if it is very important). I like to toy with NC, but I want it to be useful as well. Adding to this that CM7 development for NC has reached to a plateau, I assume I will keep it that way, at least as for now.
Gone all the apps, and all my TİBU backups.

Sounds like you wiped more than just Davlik

Bottom line: I am using NC OK with ROM Manager missing (ROM Manager was not effective when I wanted to smoothly upgrade ROM at the first time, so I wonder if it is very important). I like to toy with NC, but I want it to be useful as well. Adding to this that CM7 development for NC has reached to a plateau, I assume I will keep it that way, at least as for now.

You do not need ROM Manager to do updates, it is just easier. You can always download a new nightly and install it with CWR. As to development, it continues. However the server being utilized (kernel.org) was compromised and they are still working on getting it back up and fully operational. In the interim, some work is still being done. That's why the next release looks so large: CyanogenMod nightlies changelog for Encore

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