Updated Android 5.1.1 Factory Image With Build LMY48G Arrives for Nexus 7 (2013)


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
by: Jimmy WestenbergJune 29, 2015


Google has just released an updated factory image for the Wi-Fi Nexus 7 (2013), which was posted earlier today as Android 5.1.1_r6 carrying build LMY48G. While no exact changelog has been posted at this time, this minor update will likely only contain a few small bug fixes. The update is only available for the Nexus 7 (2013) for right now, but this might mean that more Nexus devices will see this small update in the future.

As always, we’ll be sure to let you know if this build makes its way to any other device. For now, if you absolutely need this new version running on your device as soon as possible, you can head to the source link below to download the new factory image. If you aren’t sure how to flash a factory image, though, be sure to check out our walkthrough. The guide was designed specifically for Android 5.0 Lollipop, but the same overall process should apply. Just remember that things can go wrong, so be sure to flash at your own risk.
My N7 (2013) just updated. I'm hoping the battery life has improved. Since updating to Android 5 it's been worse than it's ever been.:(