Updated to the new Samsung firmware this morning....


Apr 23, 2011
The file itself is 188MB to download and took about 15 to 20 minutes to install. The install/upgrade was relatively straight-forward. There was some warning about removing Pulse and some other apps from the tablet pane before installing upgrade. I didn't, but install went without a hitch. Just FYI, the installation is a two step process. Download and apply update, reboot, then firmware update (Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 b&w screen with a white progress bar. That process took a long time - there were a few times I thought the tablet was hung - my progress bar stayed on 44%, 74% and 90-some % for a good 5 - 10 minutes each before progressing. After that, it reboots into the Samsung boot-up and then stayed on the Samsung (glowing) for another 5 - 10 mins before coming back to life.

Overall, the UI's seem snappier/faster. My apps layout was unchanged as before. There is now an 1-2-3-4-5 indicator on top showing which pane you're on. There is a 4th snap-shot to the hot-keys (in addition to back, home, list). You also have a pop-up toast for task manager (but doesn't show all running apps), calendar, clock, pen memo, calc & music player. Setting pane is now more colorful and has short cut to wifi, notification, gps, sound and rotation, BT, airplane settings, plus screen brightness adj is right there. Settings is all in color. There are some new things in settings (most of you prob read about) like location & security - to help remote find/wipe - need samsung acct.

Browser is nicer - similar to Chrome where you have recently visited sites thumbnails. Also seems faster too. Printing is an option, only if you have a samsung printer.
I noticed my email widget is now using big fonts - I have pretty good eyesight,... so, the (really) big font used for sender just makes the entire email widget look out of place compared to everything else. If anyone can figure out how to reduce font size on that widget, please pass the info along.
A couple of apps needed to be re-added. E.g., when i click on Pulse, it says apps is no longer available (or not installed). I removed that app shortcut and just re-added it back. The Contact icon is now in orange.

I'm sure there are other enh,....but those were the obvious ones to me (that's not already covered by some of the articles).
One...everyone experiences is different...could be the apps installed. My installation was straight forward. Two you can change the fonts...three you could print to any WIFI printer.
Ever since I updated my, HD content will not playback. What gives samsung?

This has been widely reported eith the stock player. You might have to go with moboplyaer or mx videoplayer

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
One...everyone experiences is different...could be the apps installed. My installation was straight forward. Two you can change the fonts...three you could print to any WIFI printer.

how did you can the font of the email preview widget?
After I updated mine, all my bookmarks are gone in the browser. When I try to add a bookmark, it tells me I already have that site bookmarked! Anyone have the same issue or have a solution?

i have rooted my samsung device and now i dont see the samsung update? Can someone please help me in getting the update?