updating 7015 to 7015A


Dec 30, 2011
I read a few posts here about updating the 7015 to 7015A.

I updated a 7015 to the 7015A but when going back into the coby info screen it still shows "7015" and not "7015A"

coby usa says it should change to the updated firmware and show "7015A"

I want to install the angry birds fix for graphics but I think it only works on the 7015A.

I had trouble loading it into the 7015 (older version) and bricked it. (for the moment)

Anyone have the truth to any of this?


Probably you will find what you want on KTZ, another forum that is specialized on low end Kyros models like 7015. Have you tried it already?
I did the update today on one I bricked. It took the update and also unbricked my 7015.

Even though it didn`t show the updated (7015A ) in the info section of the settings it still updated and I confirmed this when I went to reinstall the clockwork mod and had to use the other method. (found on youtube)

I then was able to do the angrybirds graphics update fix (found here) and now it works fine.

I locked up the 7015 with this zip install but always worked great on the 7015A cobys.

I have been on the KTZ forum too and it is great. I am still finding my way around here.

Thanks for the reply.

Cadiman since i can't even read the "welcome to KTZ forums for new users and guest" post over there. Do you know if they have any backup stock roms or mods for the 7015b in the backup and restore section? Sorry to ask, but there doesn't seem to be any way to get access to most of that place.
