USB Host cable..


Jan 10, 2011
It occurs to me that a simple gender changer at the USB-A end of my stock USB transfer cable that came with my Archos 70 might serve to create a USB host adapter cable for it.

Does this make sense?
No, I believe a host cable has got some controller build in. I have a $4 Chinese eBay cable, but that works only with some USB sticks. Not all. And no externally powered drives, no mouses, etc. I have now ordered the Nokia 157 cable, hoping for a better quality.
USB cables have no logic built in. It is a matter of the device itself. If the two devices are designed to talk to each other, they will. I don't know about the 70. The 10.1 has both connectors. One for each kind of connection. If the 70 does not support host mode, it will not work. If it does, then it should work.