USB Keyboard


Oct 1, 2011
I had read of a couple of others who used a keyboard with a micro usb adapter on end and it worked ok.

I get no response when I plug a standard USB keyboard into the micro usb port...

Is there any setting that I need to enable or is this even possible?

What specific tablet do you have? Not all tablets can use a keyboard. Make sure that it is a wired keyboard. Also, the rom that you are running could be part of the problem. What rom are you running?
What specific tablet do you have? Not all tablets can use a keyboard. Make sure that it is a wired keyboard. Also, the rom that you are running could be part of the problem. What rom are you running?

oops i guess i should be more specific - i have a Vtab1008 running the factory rom whatever that it and it is a wired keyboard with a usb to micro usb adapter on it.

Where have you read that people are getting keyboard to work? Are you sure that it is the same tablet? I did some googleing and did not see anywhere if it had usb host capabilities. Try a different keyboard maybe?
Not sure if this will be of any help. I have a Viewsonic G tablet and porchased the GSA keyboard and cover. Approx 30.00 it has a regular usb and connects to my tablet through the usb. No settings just plug and go. I really like it for the cost and simplisity. I have tried it on other tablet that have a usb port no issues either. The cover need a small bit of padding to make a tight fit but that was the only mod I did
Hope this helps