User manual on Lumiread?


Nov 15, 2011
Is there a user manual on Lumiread? Most of it looks intuitive, but I would think that after reading a ways in a book, it would return to that spot after leaving and coming back. The particular book I am reading always goes to chapter 15. I can go to the table of contents or scroll back to where I want to be, but why should I have to remember where I stopped at a given session. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.
Are you using the bookmark function? It is located on the bottom of the tablet navigation bar. Right icon on left side.
No, but I tried to use it where I finished reading and it still didn't open there. It's always in chapter 15.
By scroll back, i suspect you mean that chapter 15 is further than you have read, and you have to scroll toward the front of the book?

Sounds like it's jumping to the furthest point read, and you accidentally visited chapter 15.
Ah ha! You may be right. My husband was messing around with the tablet... :) Now, all I have to do is figure out how to fix that. Maybe I'll just delete and reload the book.

Thank you for your help!