Using .exe files


Feb 5, 2012
I just recently purchased my android tablet. The main reason I purchased a tablet was ease of transportation, since I will be mostly using this in the field for my job. My only complication so for is trying to open .exe files. I have worked with computers a little bit so I'm sure it has to do with the OS. Is there a way to access. Exe files, because all it tells me is "cannot open file". I really appreciate any help, thanks.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
.exe files are Windows executable files (programs) and they won't run on an Android system.
What they said.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
I am trying to upgrade firmware and all I have is an .exe file. What do I do with it? I can't find a different firmware upgrade file and this is the one that the manufacturers are linking to :(
That means you need to connect the tablet to the PC, then run the EXE file on your Windows PC in order to do the update. The manufacturer should have provided instructions on the page where you downloaded the firmware from.
Unless the manufacturer packed a Trojan or another piece of malware in the download, which is highly unlikely, your PC will be fine once you're done. All the update likely does is talk to the tablet through the connection and replace the files on the tablet with the updated ones.
Can you make an app that opens up EXE files on these frikken things...or better yet, update the friggan system...
It appears you didn't do quite enough research on Android prior to making a tablet purchase. It's not Windows, and never will be so it also will never open an EXE files. The Android equivalent to an EXE file on Android is an APK file. That's the way it has always been and will be. You apparently have never used and UNIX based systems either.