Using my card reader on my a500


Jul 11, 2011
My name is Tom and I am new....................I need some info from the experts. Here is my question: I do a lot of photo work and I would like to use my usb card reader. Can someone give me some help me please. Thanks for your time.
hello Tom, my name is Tom as well. Anyhow, i just tried it with my reader and you should be able to just plug your reader into the full size usb port. you might have to wait a bit for it to recognize, but you will get a symble at the lower right hand corner when it is recognized. at that point you can go into the gallery and view your photos. if you want to copy them to your device, you will need to use a file program like "astro". Hope this helps.
Most of these work fine, even the cheap ones.
But be aware that plugging and unplugging too quickly or too often can confuse the tablet and it will just start ignoring the usb port.

When you mount a usb device the tablet starts scanning the device and building thumbnails for file types it understands. This takes a while depending on how full the card is.

Then when you unplug the card reader, the tablet goe thru and purges its internal cache of thumbnail files.if you put another card in the reader before this is completed it gets totally messed up. Worst case is you need to reboot.
But just slowing down lets everything work well.