Using the S7 as a Phone?

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Staff member
Jul 9, 2010
I am looking for info for the Huawei S7 as a full time phone with data. What is more important in this case is standby time in 3G.

Can someone give me an idea? How many hours does it last for you?
Over Thanksgiving holiday here in US I used mine as a phone, charged overnight, took it off the charger in the morning. I then made maybe 2-3 calls during the day, by 6 pm it still had about 20% charge left being in standby 3g.
Did you use a bluetooth headset with that?

Should have included it in OP
i use a Motorola HT-720 BT earpiece, BT on the device, and only open the BT after I have initiated or received the call.
Typically on Snapdragon phones it does not make a huge difference. Not sure about tablets.

Using JuiceDefender however (shutting off data completely when not in use) does
Typically on Snapdragon phones it does not make a huge difference. Not sure about tablets.

Using JuiceDefender however (shutting off data completely when not in use) does

Heres my observations:

I leave a T-Mobile simcard (2G only) in my device. I use it to surf the web or play games about 45 minutes to a Hour per day, and make a few calls over bluetooth and send and receive several text per day and have to charge it every other day. I find it has better battery life than my Galaxy S phone when used as my phone.
So I have a question will any SIM card work in these? I have a Verizon SIM card from my old Touch Pro 2, could I take this out and use it?

I would try, but my wife and I got our S7 last Friday as Christmas presents for each other so they are still in the boxes waiting to be wrapped and put under the tree for Christmas, it is killing me!!!
SI would try, but my wife and I got our S7 last Friday as Christmas presents for each other so they are still in the boxes waiting to be wrapped and put under the tree for Christmas, it is killing me!!!

hahaha, that is funny. I told my wife to get me a tablet for Christmas, but I later said I would do it so it would get here before my vacation.
that's too bad for you guys....Hannukah First Night was December 3rd....
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