V811 4.1 v2.0 rooting


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2012

Root with English SuperUser http://www.mediafire.com/?0cos8gcupaaegel Please test and reply thanks. **NEW**

Inside the Download are 2 files root.zip and Factory update.aml

Now take root.zip and factory update and put them on your sdcard *Please make sure you have no other root.zip files on sdcard*
Now with tabet switched off press the home key and after 3 seconds press the power key the white bot should show then the green droid will start a repair process and it will reboot when done.
After reboot you should be rooted.

I Know i have put for V811, but this will more than likely work on all 2.0 firmware tablets, worth a try it cant harm your tablet so will you PLEASE let us know if it works on any other tablets THANKS.

Thanks to evlscorp for confirming root on v711.
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I followed your instructions but I couldn't root my v702 v2.0 . In the upgrade everything went as it should (the green droid started the the repair process ,etc.) but after the reboot the tablet is still "locked". I use Titanium Backup app to check if my tablet is rooted or not.

I followed your instructions but I couldn't root my v702 v2.0 . In the upgrade everything went as it should (the green droid started the the repair process ,etc.) but after the reboot the tablet is still "locked". I use Titanium Backup app to check if my tablet is rooted or not.

Hi, have you tried restarting the tablet? Did SuperUser install?
I have just updated the installer if you wish to download the new file to try again, hope this helps.
Being fairly new to android, I don't really know if this is par for the course or not. I downloaded the package after the update and put the 2 files on a formatted card. I flashed my tablet w/ the card. It rebooted and everything looked ok, but SuperUser was not there. I don't have WiFi at the moment but I side loaded the Root Checker & Gemini App Manager
apk's. I installed Root Checker and ran it. When I did, I got a pop-up w/ a 10 sec. count down. I let it run out and it disappeared. Root Checker then ran and indicated that I was unrooted. I ran Root Checker again and this time when the pop-up appeared, I checked the box (lower left corner) and then taped the right lower button. The pop-up disappeared and Root Checker ran only this time it indicated that my 811 was rooted. I then ran Gemini (which requires root access) I got the pop-up again & let it time out. Gemini then finished starting and indicated that my device was not rooted. I started it again and hit the check box and button on the pop-up and Gemini ran normally and allowed me to freeze a few of the Chinese apps. I rebooted the tablet to make sure they were gone & they were. So, has anyone run into this before? I'm going to try attaching a screen shot of the pop-up. Can anyone translate. Any comments or suggestions? BTW, I flashed my tablet a 2nd time and got the same result...

Update.... My 811 is rooted. The pop-up, eu.chainfire.super.su, is the Chinese version of SuperSU a SuperUser management app. It actually replaces SuperUser and if you remove it, you loose root access. I ran the app & it looks like it has a lot of functionality but of course, it’s all in Chinese. Pull it up in the Play Store for more information on the English version. (I think the “Grant” & “Deny” buttons are reversed for the Chinese app) As far as the Chinese version goes, you CAN make it work but the language issue is really limiting. Anyone have the Root w/ the English version of SuperSU?
Update.... My 811 is rooted. The pop-up, eu.chainfire.super.su, is the Chinese version of SuperSU a SuperUser management app. It actually replaces SuperUser and if you remove it, you loose root access. I ran the app & it looks like it has a lot of functionality but of course, it’s all in Chinese. Pull it up in the Play Store for more information on the English version. (I think the “Grant” & “Deny” buttons are reversed for the Chinese app) As far as the Chinese version goes, you CAN make it work but the language issue is really limiting. Anyone have the Root w/ the English version of SuperSU?

Hi i just put another link to a one including the english SU.apk if you want to give it a try. It's trial n error at the minute getting them to install but it wont brick just fail to install, or while you have superuser (chinese) now you could put the english superuser.apk in the root using copy/paste with ES Explorer/root explorer then reboot and uninstall the chinese version, let us no how it goes and which way you do it please.
Just tried this on a V711 I updated last night and it worked fine, a message came up in Chinese but I found the option is to tick the box (I think it means to allow always) and hit the button to the right.. I was then able to use ES File Explorer in root mode to remove system apps included in the 4.1.1 / 2.0 build that I didn't want or need.

Thanks for the instructions!
Just tried this on a V711 I updated last night and it worked fine, a message came up in Chinese but I found the option is to tick the box (I think it means to allow always) and hit the button to the right.. I was then able to use ES File Explorer in root mode to remove system apps included in the 4.1.1 / 2.0 build that I didn't want or need.

Thanks for the instructions!

Thanks for letting us know, i have now packed it with the english version of SU, lol didnt realise first one was chinese, thanks again.
No success...

1. I tried your instructions for the automated installation....I copied the two files in the sd card and powered on the tablet with the combination Home Button + Power Button....Everything went like the first time...:(
2. I deleted the aml file and tried to install the boot.zip manually....Power on tablet with combination Home+Power Buttons.....Install boot.zip from the Android System Recovery Menu....apply update from TFCard Option

it seems that something is not correct in the boot.zip file because after the reboot I didn't find SuperUser and Rootexplorer apps installed

After this I tried to install this applications manually with AppInstaller application , I managed to install them but the tablet is still unrooted..... :(

New information about this problem...After I installed Rootexplorer I checked on /system/xbin the permissions of su and I saw that it has "rwsr-sr-x" ...all the other files in the folder have "rwxrwxrwx"
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No success...

1. I tried your instructions for the automated installation....I copied the two files in the sd card and powered on the tablet with the combination Home Button + Power Button....Everything went like the first time...:(((
2. I deleted the aml file and tried to install the boot.zip manually....Power on tablet with combination Home+Power Buttons.....Install boot.zip from the Android System Recovery Menu....apply update from TFCard Option

it seems that something is not correct in the boot.zip file because after the reboot I didn't find SuperUser and Rootexplorer apps installed

After this I tried to install this applications manually with AppInstaller application , I managed to install them but the tablet is still unrooted..... :((((

Why did you try to install boot like that?? it needs its loader which comes in the folder with it, it will ONLY work if you follow the instructions, the .aml is the factory loader which is the only way in to root at this time.
Also how have you managed to get to recovery on 4.1.1 v2.0 firmware? The recovery menu has been disabled hence the Usb package, i would suggest a complete flash with new firmware follow this - http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...l-onda-sd-card-firmware-installer-v1-0-a.html
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Hi i just put another link to a one including the english SU.apk if you want to give it a try. It's trial n error at the minute getting them to install but it wont brick just fail to install, or while you have superuser (chinese) now you could put the english superuser.apk in the root using copy/paste with ES Explorer/root explorer then reboot and uninstall the chinese version, let us no how it goes and which way you do it please.

You have probably already figured this out but just in case..... You check the box if you DO want the pop-up next time. Any time a program attempts root access, you will get the pop-up. If you leave the box unchecked, the next time you will not get the pop-up. I know it seems backwards but what the hey.....
I'm trying the new root as we speak. Actually I tried it 6 times. No go..... It zapped my existing root access. I re-installed the one from yesterday and am back at square one. I may try a few other things if I get time.
I think this will do the trick. Install the 2 files, Root.zip and Factory update.aml on a clean card. Flash your tablet. (If you have the root.rar packet that iiDiabolusZz put up yesterday you can use it or the one below, I'm pretty sure this will work for all Amlogic dual core Onda tablets) This WILL load the Chinese version of SUsuperUser. Use a Explorer that allows read / write access to the system/app root directory. ES File Explorer works well for this. Delete the superuser.apk. Re-boot the tablet and then go to Google Play and install the English version. I did verify that this worked on my 811.

Jb_root_121108.rar - download. Darmowy hosting plików.