Velocity Cruz tablet

Nov 27, 2010
So my wife purchased me the cruz tablet over the nook color. I am not really sure which one is better, but I have a 60 day test drive with the cruz so I will decide by then. I was reading earlier reviews of the tablet that were dated around april of 2010 saying that it was suppose to run android 2.1. Apparently it runs 2.0. Any insight on what happened or is there a newer version out there with 2.1? Can the tablet be upgraded to 2.1? I am mostly interested in this because of adobe reader x and adobe flash. Can I get adobe reader for android 2.0? The built in pdf reader seems to be clunky so I am looking for an alternative for faster pdf reading and browsing. What is the format of video supported? I assume it can not play flash video since I can not install flash on it, unless there is an alternate player out there. I installed the ANDAPPSTORE, is this the real andriod market place? I am pretty new to tablets so I am trying to learn about all this. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Welcome aboard, Just verifying you bought the Tablet and not the Cruz Reader. On the tablet,there is potential for Android 2.2 (Froyo) as it was promised initially. But it is the processor which is the real disappointment. It was originally to come with a Cortex A8 processor. The MIPS processor is a poor cousin in comparison. The ability to play Flash is dependent upon both processor capabilty and Android version. The Cortex would not have had any problems, the MIPS will. I think you will want to put it through its paces. Google market is not installed. Velocity did not pay the licensing fee, and/or Google did not identify the unit as capable for Google apps. Thus, you are again stuck with a poor cousin to Market.

You can find many apps via Google searches and other markets. You can install the apps by placing them on the memory card directly and install from there. You will have to "trust" secondary installations in Settings.
Yes I did purchase the tablet. Although I am a little worried about my purchase now after reading reviews and posts made by others. It seems that this unit lacks the hardware needed to support future upgrades. I am wondering if I should choose another product as I have a 60 day return policy on this unit. I am almost thinking the Archos 70 internet tablet might be better suited. What is everyones opinion?
I have a Cruz Tablet, and I ask the same question every day.,..So far I am keeping it, because I can not find any other product Today that gives me what I am looking for, for the price.
I use it as a Reader, watch movies on the airplane, basic web browising, limited email ( i prefer blackberry), reading newspapers, checking weather and basic games.
I know there will be better units in the future, I am sure the Archos 70 is better, but it is not available...THe other atlernative is to pay $500 and get an IPAD or a Galaxy

So the basic question is ...Do you want to wait or have something in your hand now?

I am going with the second option..Buy something today not very expensive and most propably not the best ( Cruz Tablet) and use it with its limitations,,,,and upgrade to a much better unit once they come out, at decent prices with 2.2 android and with more competition prices will be better
on the tablet go to to their downloads, to android and search for slideme..load this to the tablet, you can also search for adobe android..another goo software site is directly to the tablet..i could not get nook and kindle to work, was able to down load them..I am waiting for an archos 70.. and will return the cruz....the new cruz update did help the book applications..
For now, I am happy with the Cruz tablet. Obviously in the long term I will look at something better, but for 250 bucks (with a capacitive screen) it will do the job of e-reading, web browsing, e-mail and such. In the future, I would love a camera and gps but I have them on my Android phone. I've side loaded Launcher Pro and a bunch of apps including Engadget, Dolphin Browser and even Pandora. I also added Kindle and Aldiko e-readers for fun, sorry Borders.

I hope someone at XDA roots/roms the thing.

My only real complaint about this tablet is the same of all Android tablets in that using Ad Hoc wifi connections require hacking the configuration. Aside from that, I would have loved to get the Archos (short supply) and I didn't trust that Huewai thingy at Best Buy.
Well I returned the cruz and plan on waiting for something better. I was a little on the fence with the tec specs of the device and the fact that it ran Android 2.0. Alot of apps would not run because they required 2.1 or 2.2. I read alot of pre articles on the device and was confused why this device was suppose to be better than it really was on release day. Another rushed product to the market without thought from the marketing group. I had a very difficult time teathering the device to my windows 7 PC. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't, it was pretty frusterating. I also had some goofy problems with the touch screen as mentioned in another post I wrote. I seemed to happen like once a day. I was also unhappy with the lack of accesories that you could purchase for the device. I was really looking for a good screen protector, from like ZAGG or BestSkinEver, and found nothing. So looks like I will be waiting for the archos or notion ink. I rather spend some extra money for a better product than just settle.
Well I returned the cruz and plan on waiting for something better. I was a little on the fence with the tec specs of the device and the fact that it ran Android 2.0. Alot of apps would not run because they required 2.1 or 2.2. I read alot of pre articles on the device and was confused why this device was suppose to be better than it really was on release day. Another rushed product to the market without thought from the marketing group. I had a very difficult time teathering the device to my windows 7 PC. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't, it was pretty frusterating. I also had some goofy problems with the touch screen as mentioned in another post I wrote. I seemed to happen like once a day. I was also unhappy with the lack of accesories that you could purchase for the device. I was really looking for a good screen protector, from like ZAGG or BestSkinEver, and found nothing. So looks like I will be waiting for the archos or notion ink. I rather spend some extra money for a better product than just settle.
As long as you are looking for a cutting edge tablet you will find a number of aps available will not work because they keep producing new versions of operating systems that have new features and the new apps will be made to handle these new features and so will not work on the newest tablet because of the manufacturing time line. the same is true for accessories.
I have the ereader and did manage to download the kindle app and it works great. I d-loaded the kobo also. that makes 3 reader apps. kindle, kobo and the borders that came w/ the unit. I got mine at borders and after coupon only paid 117.00 for the ereader. for all it does for me I love it. my needs are simple, email, google any site I need or want, ereading, all on the go. Anything more I would do from my laptop. It is a convenience that I dont have to lug a laptop around and I can fire it up when I need to. The kindle app I got directly from the kindle website.
As I am fairly new to the (android op sys) device it does take a little time to figure out how it works. This may be a dumb question but, One issue I do have is how to download from the sd-card. If anyone can walk me through the steps I would greatly appreciate it. P.S. dont hate the cruz. for a hundred dollars I think it's a keeper. Just depends what your are looking for.
One 'Cruz' fact I learned was , originally I bought the ereader from QVC and it was called an 'SE' - special edition. I found out from Velocity that the SE had only a 2Gig internal memory and the one I bought at Borders was a 4Gig internal memory. I asked why would you call it a 'special edition' when it has less than the original (had no stand, no usb cable and only 2gig mem). Doesn't 'special' imply there is something MORE ?????, something special??? So I sent it back to the Q and bought from Borders. I got the 4gig and the stand and the micro usb cable with that package. You would think with an operation as big a QVC, special would really mean special! Oh yeah, the QVC price was 179.99 + tax and shipping( $209.99). the Borders' was 117. with tax. About a hundred dollar difference.
I too have been searching for a flash player... would like to play pandora..also was very disappointed that I could not download Java to play Pogo...I have an I touch so this seems out of touch for me...
I purchased the T105 and am at a total loss as to get it to work. ugh.... Even my computer won't recognize it.
Yeah this Cruz e-reader is special as in "Special Olympics". No Flash, no Java, no Adobe PDF e-books, no WMA/WMV, screen responsiveness sucks, the thing is slower than hell and has no shot at improvements or upgrades. Yeah, I feel like mine has Downs Syndrome. I'm frustrated every time I pull it out & keep wondering why I bothered. My Blackberry has way more going for it than this P.O.S. Definitely the last thing I'll ever buy from Velocity Micro!!
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Yeah this Cruz e-reader is special as in "Special Olympics". No Flash, no Java, no Adobe PDF e-books, no WMA/WMV, screen responsiveness sucks, the thing is slower than hell and has no shot at improvements or upgrades. Yeah, I feel like mine has Downs Syndrome. I'm frustrated every time I pull it out & keep wondering why I bothered. My Blackberry has way more going for it than this P.O.S. Definitely the last thing I'll ever buy from Velocity Micro!!

You do realize that you haven't explored your Cruz reader at all?

It was reading PDFs for me out of the box but instead I actually updated the ROM with an aftermarket rooted one that allows access to Android Market and all the other goodies.

So far, it's interface, responsiveness and sensitivity have significantly been improved. The hardware itself is pretty capable with the aftermarket ROM. It loads up PDFs, ePubs, Video files, all sorts of other goodies within minutes.

Very impressed with it for the price I paid. It easily outshines all the other e-readers in this price range. For more info, check out Slatedroid News and look for JGM's ROMs, take about 5 mins to load without any manual hacks. Just put it on a SD card and reboot.