Vida Bellatrix II 10.2 Inch battery monitor problem


Jul 4, 2012
I am new here but am hoping for a little advice. I bought a Vida Bellatrix 10" tablet four weeks ago and it is fantastic. Apart from my HTC phone its pretty much my first real delve into Android. I love it. Not an expensive tablet by any stretch but it does everything I want it to do. I'm an enthusiastic amateur with my tower PC and am pretty capable of sorting out most hardware or software problems and recognising whether it is hardware or software in the first place. Tablets. Android. ??? Not there yet. So, my problem - the tablet switches off at 47% according to the battery monitor. It charges to 99% but keeps charging (ie the red led does not turn green for quite some time). Its as though its 47% to 146% but obviously it only goes up to 100. Hope this is making sense. Anyhow, there is absolutely no problem with battery life. I obviously have a 100% charge in the battery and then it winds its way down until the monitor reads 47% (when it should be reading 0%) then switches off. Everything else on the tablet is fine. I am in touch with the suppliers and they keep giving me advice but I thought I might ask here just in case someone in the know has a solution. I have put the OS back onto the tablet (Android 4 from the suppliers website) but it has made no difference. It seems like a software problem to me. Or is it a hardware problem. If its the latter I can send the tablet back as I obviously want it fixing or a replacement tablet. If its software is there a way of sorting it myself?
I hope all that makes some kind of sense. Its been hell trying to explain it to the supplier.
Thanks for reading and hope you can help.:confused:
Hi Banditsk4, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you. More people are likely to see it there and try to help you get that battery/charging problem sorted out. Good luck!