Video and VNC/RDP


Apr 3, 2011
Has anyone managed to use a VNC/RDP app to watch video that's playing on the desktop you're connected to?

I've tried a couple of apps. At best, the video shows up in still frames, refreshing a few times a minute.

I tried Teamviewer and I got "low on memory" warnings (not surprising).

Maybe it's too much to ask for with the Coby 7015 but it would be great if I could get this working.

Thanks for any pointers.

Update: I did some more Googling and there are good reasons why this isn't working that have nothing to do with the Coby. It's essentially a built-in limitation of the RDP/VNC technology.

If anyone else has had a different experience, I'd be interested to hear about it.
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It works if you have a fast connection and a fast tablet. Unfortunately, I don't think a 7015 is powered enough to use a remote connection to watch video. You can try to use the app settings to decrease screen resolution, color bits, remove desktop background image, etc. I normally use TeamViewer and PocketCloud (RDC) when I need to connect to a computer remotely.