Video Preview of G-Slate from "The Official LG Girl"


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Here's some tech candy, in the form of the LG G-Slate, previewed by some eye-candy, in the form of "The Official LG Girl". This is 3 minutes of interesting footage in which she shares a great many features and opinions of the Honeycomb powered smart-tab. She even shows off some of the unique 3D features of the device.

Hmmm... I think I find the G-Slate much more 'attractive' than I did before... I wonder why that is? :p

Source: Phandroid
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Quasi guerilla marketing is transparent. Looks cool but I can say that I would never use a 3d camera array on a device that doesn't natively display the content back in 3d. Whatever, looks cool otherwise.
Quasi guerilla marketing is transparent. Looks cool but I can say that I would never use a 3d camera array on a device that doesn't natively display the content back in 3d. Whatever, looks cool otherwise.

Agreed. Seems like a gimmick to differentiate themselves from other tablets. In addition, I am not convinced that I will use a tablet, let alone a 9+" one to shoot video or take pics. We'll see how this one performs.
Can't argue with any of the above regarding 3D or video shooting, but I'm still very interested in this tablet. Android 3.0 and the 9" size really appeals. It will be interesting to see what the price tag is (and when we'll see them in Europe).