View Quest 'The Slate2' 8" Telechips 720mhz - anyone got one? heard of it?


Mar 27, 2011
Hi all.

Bought a View Quest tablet in maplins last night. Apparently has 720mhz telechips processor, 2.1 eclair, wifi, HDMI out.

But i can not find any reference to it anywhereeeeeee. Is it a brand new tablet? Or maybe a generic one rebranded? I really want to root it, stick custom recovery on it, etc etc. But i can find no info at all. Searched a number of forums and only find references to the older 8" viewquests with rockchip processor and 1.5.

Any help would be appreciated, pointers to forums guides etc. thanks in advance :)

I'm a Product Manager at View Quest, looking after our tablet products.

The SLATE2 is a brand new model for us, and will be making it onto more and more retailers' sites over the next few weeks. Apologies for the 'holding site' as we are getting our new website online. Fingers crossed the full site will be live by the end of this week and it will be worth the wait!


View Quest
It is not wise to deal with ViewQuest. They have had no accountablity regarding their legal obligations to the GPL license software included in Android in the past. You are better off spending you money with a company that actually stands behind their product and does so legally.

If you must buy an Android tablet, I strongly recommend that you purchase one from a legitimate business such as Archos.

Capacitive TCC8902 tablets have a price point of about 130Euros from Chinese resellers, for your reference.

have just bought a slate2 from the gadget show live. it seems to work fine. it doesn't like certain web sites it seems i need a flash player app. is there on? can anyone recommend one? also i downloaded 'angry birds' which plays fine but has no text just white boxes, how can i fix it?


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