Viewpad 10 (Android 1.6 & Win 7)


Mar 18, 2011

I recieved my Viewpad 10 just a few hours ago, The machine is very quick in both Windows 7 and Android 1.6. I jumped into the Android OS and went to the apps market. I soon realised that No App i attempted to work with would install. This left me pondering what I am doing wrong. One of the common error's i am recieving is the system stating I can't install the app on this "Phone". The Viewpad 10 is not a phone at all, so this left me with lots of questions.

I am hoping some experienced tablet users can provide me with insight, and pointers on how to utilize the andriod OS on this tablet.

Also i understand that Android OS 2.2 has many more capabilities, would it be possible to Upgrade my current 1.6 OS?

Thanks in advance!:cool:
I do not have viewsonic 10 but from all the research i have done and forums i have been to there was only one post i saw on some forum by a person who installed unofficial 2.2 update from Viewsonic (dont know the link) and stated that back key and wifi doesnot work correctly after the update.
All versions of android 2.2 and lower are meant for phones by google only honeycomb (android 3.0) is designed for tablets.
Maybe some one else here can help you with the issues with apps not installing from market as i indicated earlier im not a viewsonic 10 tablet owner.
I guess this leads me to the question of, Can the Viewpad 10 Run Android 3.0 (honeycomb)? I am very very new to this market! I did what I thought was good research, I obviously fell short.
There is no official newer release but there are nightly releases. Be careful and patient with the nightlies because there are continuous bug fixes and new bugs introduced
I have viewsonic10 dualboot. I installed unofficial android2.2 using USB stick and linked it with grub for windows7/android 1.6. I can boot any of the 3 systems.

Hello there to everyone
Hoping some of you could help me. I just get a ViewPad 10s I have spend the last 2 days figuring out how to use the dual Booting, cause when i turn it on is automaticaly run Android , It doesn´t show me the option to choose a OS, and i would like to use it with Win7, so How do i can go into the boot menu ???, and choose the Win7 partition as first OS ??? , or I need to install WIN7 !? , i alreday try conecting a USB keyboard and press F11 but it doesn`t work.

thank you for your answers and help.

sorry, but 10s is not x86 and windows can't work on tour tablet. you tablet have arm cpu.
Hello there to everyone
Hoping some of you could help me. I just get a ViewPad 10s I have spend the last 2 days figuring out how to use the dual Booting, cause when i turn it on is automaticaly run Android , It doesn´t show me the option to choose a OS, and i would like to use it with Win7, so How do i can go into the boot menu ???, and choose the Win7 partition as first OS ??? , or I need to install WIN7 !? , i alreday try conecting a USB keyboard and press F11 but it doesn`t work.

thank you for your answers and help.

I have viewsonic10 dualboot. I installed unofficial android2.2 using USB stick and linked it with grub for windows7/android 1.6. I can boot any of the 3 systems.


More details about this would be great. I haven't had any luck trying to get a full version of Android on my Viewpad10. I'm currently struggling through the GAPPS with full market thread, but a full android 2.2 would be even better.