VLC Media Player Coming Soon!


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009

Feel uninspired by the current crop of video player's on your Android smartphone? For those of you that haven't tried it on the PC, VLC Media player, is a very powerful and versatile alternative that will soon get a port to our Android Market. Their slogan is, "It play's everything!" I've personally found that to be mostly accurate on the PC.

he developers reveal that it may not be fully compatible with all Androids out there, but they will work hard to rectify that I'm sure. It should be hitting the Android market in just a few weeks.

Source: Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum
I Love VLC! Works amazingly on everything I've ever put onto it. Love the fact that it uses it's own internal codecs so I don't have to root around the web for the most recent "codec pack".
I have to admit the media player on my Suli works well, but I would like to have it play more formats (as it is now, I can play AVI, MP4, Mov, WMV) but having a bit more control would be a bonus.