Voice search coby kyros 7022


Aug 14, 2011
Does anyone know how to get voice search on the 7022? I tried getting the apks and pushing them to /system/app, but whenever I try to open it it fcs. I know the hardware can handle it, because it works on cm7. Please help, I love voice search!:)

Sent from my Coby Kyros 7022
Download one of the gapps-gb from goo-inside.me - gapps downloads (I recommend 20110818 or older 20110115) and extract files from the ZIP. You will find a file that needs to be pushed to /system/lib, then install VoiceSearch.apk from Market or somewhere else. I noticed that recent versions cause some static noise when cancelling/closing in Gingerbread on MID1024, so I am now using an older version (2.0.1) that seems to work fine.