was waiting for a xoom, but curious about the g tablet.

Mar 3, 2011
They both have dual cores, the biggest differences I can see is half the memory and a smaller screen.

I was gonna wait for a wifi xoom, but im getting sick of waiting. I have been reading how a lot of people returned to tablet because of a "defect", or from my understanding, some crappy software...

But if you can root it and install custom roms, and hopefully even honeycomb, I couldnt see that being a big issue.

Also, how does it handle 720p movie playback?

I bought the gtab because I couldn't see the sense in paying $200 more for more RAM. Thats just silly in my opinion. You HAVE to root the gtab due to the crappy firmware that Viewsonic has mushed together. Honeycomb will be out in the next few months for the gtab. I'm sure of it. There are already 2 beta's that pbrauer has tried out. One was way to buggy but I think he is still on the 2nd one. Video on the gtab looks good enough in my opinion. I'm not sure of the exact quality. I'm sure pbrauer knows that. I'm also not sure what the output of the HDMI of the dock is.