Watching Live TV on the NC Using Dish's Sling Adapter


Jan 6, 2011
:D I was NOT expecting it to work but downloaded the Dish app and Viola... LIVE TV on the NC can I say I am surprised and PLEASED OH YES :)

I was expecting it not to work until after the 2.2 upgrade.. but no it works beautifully right now...

What can't this little Guy Do ??????
Nice :) There is not much it can't do, just need bluetooth now. How does this adapter plug into the NC?
NO.. the sling adapter attached to the dish set top box.. .. it is wireless.. send onto anything computer, my Droid phone and Now my NOOK.... just needed to download the free app and sign int and viola.. LIVE TV.. or even my recorded shows.. .. I am Happy.
NO.. the sling adapter attached to the dish set top box.. .. it is wireless.. send onto anything computer, my Droid phone and Now my NOOK.... just needed to download the free app and sign int and viola.. LIVE TV.. or even my recorded shows.. .. I am Happy.

Gotcha. Pretty cool, I could see that being nice to have around the house. I'm so attached to my NC now, I take it to work everyday. So far all I have which is good, not as good as your Dish app, are and sbpbtv.
There will be more once we are upgraded to 2.2 and have flash.. Also heard today that Netflix and HULU is coming to the Android market ..was annouced in Las Vegas today..
:D I was NOT expecting it to work but downloaded the Dish app and Viola... LIVE TV on the NC can I say I am surprised and PLEASED OH YES :)

I was expecting it not to work until after the 2.2 upgrade.. but no it works beautifully right now...

What can't this little Guy Do ??????
Thanks!! Like you I figured it needed Flash...though I've already downloaded the app and caused great confusion in my house by changing the channel from other rooms. ;) This is great news.

Have you tried it from a remote location? Please let me know if you do, and how it works. We only have 1Mbps up, so I'm concerned it will only really work in the home where the LAN is 802.11n. And that kind of defeats the point, since it controls the receiver (might as well sit down and watch the TV!).

Oh, one more question: we have a VIP722, so the Sling adapter will work with our receiver. BUT our 2-year contract is up. I'm worried if I negotiate us up into a new receiver, there will be no point in buying the adapter. Any advice before I call Dish and start to haggle? I guess the best solution would be: keep the 722, get a deal on programming for another 2 years, and THROW in the $99 Sling adapter for free! ;)

Haven't tried it from too far away.. just the patio using the NC... I got the sling adapter added to the 722... works just fine.. I have been using the sling on my Droid phone with great success .. even driving in a car( not watching just listening ..hehehe)) .. a few stutters but overall works fine. I think the update they did on the sling app this past week really added some improvements. I am so pleased that it function this well on the NC. on 2.1
I can't find the sling app on Market. Can you provide a link to the apk for SIDELOADING?

Sent from my M701 using the AndroidTablets app
I can't find the sling app on Market. Can you provide a link to the apk for SIDELOADING?
Not sure about the Sling app, but Dish produces the app that links to their Sling adapter: DISH Remote Access - Android app on AppBrain Is that what you've got?

@Crenita: on the Droid from your car?!?!?!!!?! YES!!!! That is exactly what I was hoping. I think I am so ordering the adapter. And with adhoc wifi, we can pump it to the NC if we want. Good news.

I can't find the sling app on Market. Can you provide a link to the apk for SIDELOADING?

Sent from my M701 using the AndroidTablets app

Yes it is listed as DISH... DISH REMOTE ACCESS... you need a sling box or sling adapter but works GREAT...
Not sure about the Sling app, but Dish produces the app that links to their Sling adapter: DISH Remote Access - Android app on AppBrain Is that what you've got?
OK, I think I need a little reality check...yesterday I posted in a few discussions at Amazon, only to find people posting right after me and repeating what I said. :mad: And then the OP thanks the person who posted after me!!! I'm thinking...are my posts not visible to anyone else???

AND NOW it's starting to happen here! WHAT'S WRONG?!?!??!?! This doesn't normally I losing my grip on reality? :eek:

Sorry...just a little mental breakdown there. Go back about whatever you were doing!

Matt can you point me in the direction of info on how to use the droid for wi fi access for teh NC ?? I know it shoudl be able to do that but have no idea how.. would be great when I go to a beach cottage that has no internet access..
Sure, it's really, really easy. :)

(1) Your Droid needs to be rooted (let me know where you are with that).

(2) Download/install on your Droid Wireless Tether for Root Users: Wireless Tether for Root Users - Android app on AppBrain

BTW, there is also a Wired Tether that I use a lot with my laptop via USB. No extra software is needed on the PC, it automatically detects when you plug in the Droid, adds any necessary drivers, and treats it like a regular network connection.

(3) The NC needs to be patched, so it can see the adhoc wifi signal broadcast by your Droid: NookColor adhoc wifi access - nookDevs

HOWEVER, this fix comes with some question regarding sleep, so also see: [IMPROVED FIX] ADHOC Mode with scripts to switch between ADHOC and Infrastructure - xda-developers

(4) If you apply the fix, all you need to do is start Wireless Tether and then the NC will see the Droid's SSID ("Android Tether") and voila.

NOTE: If you decide not to apply the fix, then in all likelihood the NC won't see the Droid's signal. However, some phones (e.g., the Evo) broadcast in infrastructure mode which makes the fix unnecessary. GOOD NEWS: even without an adhoc fix, my laptop sees the Droid and is able to connect in adhoc mode. So you have options.

WARNING: as you know, the Droid does not have a fan. Since wifi tether is an unlocked function, the Droid has no means to regulate it and therefore it tends to make the Droid warm, if not hot. Note that the Wireless Tether has a temperature display built-in for monitoring, but you may have other programs with onscreen widgets you prefer (e.g., SetCPU).

Good luck getting it set up, and let me know how it goes! It's quite a rush when it's working. :cool:

I wish I could get my Dish Anywhere to work on my Nook HD+. I downloaded the app and it will not connect to my Dish Anywhere. So I tried connecting using my droid phone and it connected just fine. Next I tried connecting with my laptop (Windows 7) and it worked just fine. So it sure appears the Nook is the problem. Really disappointed as the primary reason I bought the Nook was because my Kindle Fire HD does not support Dish Anywhere either. So I guess I am going to be forced into buying a IPad if I want to have something light and portable to watch my TV shows.