We Now Also Have Hulu/Hulu+!


May 1, 2011
Some of you may already be aware, but I didn't see the topic here, so here we go!

HUGE thanks goes to Huskermania @ androidcentral for the detailed step-by-step and Youtube video!

How to Stream Hulu on the Nook Color and Other Android Devices - Android Forums

"Here's my video on how to do it:

If you follow directions better by reading, here is the how-to in text form:

1) Download this on your computer: http://www.bigrushmods.com/xoom/modz...d_BRDizzle.apk

2) Drag it into Dropbox (Install Dropbox on your computer and make an account if necessary.)

3) On your Android device, enable apps to be installed if they weren't downloaded from the Market.
To do this: Settings>Applications>Check the box next to Unknown sources.

4) Remove Adobe Flash Player from your device.
To do this: Settings>Applications>Manage applications>Adobe Flash Player 10.x>Uninstall>OK>OK

5) Download Dolphin Browser HD and Dropbox.

6) Open Dropbox (Log in if necessary) and tap on the Flash file we downloaded on the computer. It should start downloading automatically.

7) Once it's done, it'll prompt you to install Adobe Flash. Install it.

8) Open up Dolphin Browser HD.

9) If it's your first time using it, accept the license agreement and hit next a bunch of times. Hit skip when it comes to entering an email address.

10) Menu>More>Settings>User Agent>Custom> type in "WIN" without the "">OK

11) After you change the User Agent, scroll down to Advanced Settings>Enable plug-ins>Always on

12) Go to hulu.com and pick something to watch.

13) Once you pick something, you should see a "Loading" animation where the video should be playing. That's a good thing because you'd usually see a "Hulu is not currently supported on this device" error message.

14) When the video starts playing, you'll probably notice that the video is extremely choppy. That's fine, we'll change that soon.

15) Wait for the first ad to pass, it makes it easier to change the video settings.

16) Once the ad is done, tap on the video to pause it. Rotate your device so it is in landscape if you haven't done so already.

17) Tap on the icon that looks like a gear. Change the resolution to 288p, or whatever the lowest resolution is. You can always experiment with this later, but 288p seems to work great.

18) Hit update. (You can also tell it to save that as a default by tapping the checkbox next to "Save this as my default.")

19) Make the video full screen and enjoy your TV show/ movie!"

It sounds like some kludgy workarounds, but fairly straightforward. I prefer SAMBA app or Homepipe over Dropbox, but to each their own. :D Enjoy!
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