Website Out of Control


Sep 19, 2014
Hi: I keep getting the same websites taking over my Browser, they are always the same ones ( - - smart I keep closing them and they just keep taking over the browser until finally it stops and I start from search again. I have malware protection I just download it yesterday.l don't know how to stop this. Please help.. Thank you also Smart
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Some more details are needed.

When did the browser redirects start happening?
What site are you downloading your apps from?
What apps do you have installed?
What is the name of the malware protection app you're using?

The answers to these questions are all necessary in order to pin down the cause, which is most likely a rogue app with malware embedded within it.
The redirects happened three days after I got the tablet I download from play store. The apps I downloaded were AVG and malwarebytes. I uninstalled them yesterday. I discovered I have a built in antivirus and malware. I think my redirects are coming from Facebook. Every time I turn the tablet on a Facebook window pops up from the taskbar area, and its the same websites on that window that are causing the redirects. What do I need to do to stop this. Even when I am signed out of Facebook it still pops up.
Uninstall Facebook and reinstall AVG et al.

I never use the Facebook app. I rely on the browser for Facebook. I use Trillian for messaging as it supports Facebook. It has ads, but they aren't overbearing. There likely is an option in the Facebook app settings to disable notifications, but the Facebook app is crap, which is why I uninstall it.
I don't have the face book app anywhere in my tablet. I just go to facebook website. But its OK. Since I uninstalled avg and the malware. I don't seem to be having that problem any more. I have a built in antivirus and malware protection I just discovered. So thank you for all your help.
I'm glad you got it resolved, though I am sorry I misunderstood you regarding Facebook.