I have noticed a weird problem with my Iconia A500's keyboard for some time. It seems that I can't hold any key pressed anymore; when I do it looks like the key gets pushed only once. E.g., if I hold the 'g' key, instead of multiple g's appearing only one gets written down. That would't be that much annoying but it seems I can't activate caps lock anymore (when I hold it so it activates it does exactly the same action as when I click it briefly, that is capitalize only te next letter) , the smileys key (it justs inserts '
' no matter how long I press it instead of displaying te smiley menu) or backspace (now if I want to delete a sentence I have to press backspace once for every letter -- very annoying!!). Also, sometimes, when I'm typing, a certain key remains highlighted.
I am running stock 3.2 Android on the tab but I think the problem's there since 3.1, maybe even before that, I don't think I have noticed it right away and that's the problem, I don't know what really caused this. Maybe it was an Android update, maybe an app update, a virus or a wrong setting.
Thing is it doesn't seem to be a problem with the screen because it's working just fine anywhere else, like games that require multiple touch. Could corrupt keyboard files be a probable cause? Can they be replaced?
I would be really, really grateful if you could give me any advice on this little annoying problem of my tab.
I have noticed a weird problem with my Iconia A500's keyboard for some time. It seems that I can't hold any key pressed anymore; when I do it looks like the key gets pushed only once. E.g., if I hold the 'g' key, instead of multiple g's appearing only one gets written down. That would't be that much annoying but it seems I can't activate caps lock anymore (when I hold it so it activates it does exactly the same action as when I click it briefly, that is capitalize only te next letter) , the smileys key (it justs inserts '
I am running stock 3.2 Android on the tab but I think the problem's there since 3.1, maybe even before that, I don't think I have noticed it right away and that's the problem, I don't know what really caused this. Maybe it was an Android update, maybe an app update, a virus or a wrong setting.
Thing is it doesn't seem to be a problem with the screen because it's working just fine anywhere else, like games that require multiple touch. Could corrupt keyboard files be a probable cause? Can they be replaced?
I would be really, really grateful if you could give me any advice on this little annoying problem of my tab.