Welcome To Ecargoonline.com!!


Dec 16, 2010
Hello everyone,

We're Ecargoonline.com, a professional online store selling Apad Android Tablet PC. It's our honor to be the newest and the first Supporting Vendor of this item in this forum.

It is our mission to provide you with the most up to date products at competitive price from China. We sell a vast range of merchandise produced exclusively by Chinese manufacturers such as Trendy Digital Products, Consumer Electronics, Car Electronics, CCTV Security Products, Home Theater Products. If you'd like to hunt for something special at low price by fashionable online shopping, then come to ecargoonline.com to purchase thousands of super discount products with Superior quality which you are interested in.

We are dedicated to providing customers with 100% satisfaction! We found the best way to build repeat business and a long lasting relationship with our customers is by providing qualified products, reasonable prices and warm-hearted service. If we ever failed to meet your expectations please contact us and we will make every possible attempt to meet and beat your highest expectations and satisfaction.

Any questions pls feel free to contact us via email. We'll always be at your service!

Best Regards.
E-mail: info@ecargoonline.com
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I am interested in buying a tablet from this site, has anyone on here purchased something from ecargoonline.com? I couldn't find anything good on a google search about the company.

Thanks for the help!

I am interested in buying a tablet from this site, has anyone on here purchased something from ecargoonline.com? I couldn't find anything good on a google search about the company.

Thanks for the help!

Hello Dear akane,

We're the supporting vendor of this forum, and we've received lots of good feedbacks from our customers, you can rest assured to place your order in our site. And we'll provide a one year guarantee for our products, Welcome to order!

I´ve ordered at ecargoonline.com Tablet PC (SKU: [m7002]) 09 feb 2011. Order #20110200303.
I have not recieved yet. Could you tell me if I have still some chances to recieve it?