Welcome to the new Samsung Galaxy Tab Forum


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009

We would like to welcome you to the new Forum dedicated to the all new Samsung Galaxy Tab rumored for release next month. All we know so far is the device will sport a 7" screen, Android 2.2, video calling, Swype, HD movie playback, "Flash support," GPS navigation, an e-reader, and more that hasn't officially been announced yet.

Let us know if your planning on picking one of these up?
when do you think will this pad available in stores? Need to feel the hardware in my hands, but it's already very promising!
What about a price point?

Will it be worth waiting for a name brand like samsung or should I go for one of the Off name units on ebay or online stores mentioned here?
Pricing will be the determining factor to me.... If it's more than $350.. What's the point you can pick up a laptop for that much... Yeah.. I'd love to support android no matter what.. But with all the other andi-tabs coming out in q4 this yr and q1 next... Pricing will deff become more competitive... Think i'm gonna play wait and see....
I agree,

the vid makes you interested but what do I need another device that does what my phone does and is 7in but cost the same as an unlocked smartphone.

Now if Samsung is smart they will price this thing at $249.99 or cheaper and make a killing.
For everyone who is able to understand the german language a little:
Stereopoly.de - Photos
They also set the release date to the 2nd of september^^
There's also a teaser available!

Please correct the spelling mistake within the title - it says "Samaung Galaxy Tab Discussions"!
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I want one,I have no misgiving about getting one, I have the captivate, and I'm loving it. A 7' tablet will suite me just fine.I wont look so protenious on the train. My brother has the ipad,too bulky. I guess they are taking a page from apple===first the phone then the tablet, get them hooked...BROVO. Where do I preorder from??.
Looks interesting, but so did the Augen - till you actually tried using it... I hope it's as good as it looks. If it is, I'll certainly give it a shot.
Looks interesting, but so did the Augen - till you actually tried using it... [...]
Would you tell me the result of your "hands-on" session?
Why would you have second thoughts on it?

I'm trying to discover as many as possible of the Android(-tablet) world, so don't be stressed out by my questions ;-)

And by the way: I think the device released by Samsung can't be compared that easy to the Augen - not only referring to the build quality...
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