well ive try to do a factory reset,but i notice a weird box a bottom of screen ???

Oct 13, 2012
Turn it on and the name pops up infotmic then a another screen pos up Sylvania and thats where it stays.
well I've try to do a factory reset,but i notice a weird box a bottom of screen, it flashes very very fast, not sure if that is a damage bios or ram chip acting out ! My expertise are in computer repair not so much tabs, I also don't no if there is supposed tobe a SD card while doing the reset. My finger are so sore from trying to reset it so many different ways. The help Image and step by step process is so easy to follow, i find it hard to belive that its me not doing it right.,,, is there supposed tobe files on the SD card, Iam at a loss is ther help ?

John in Calif