What a world !!!!


Aug 18, 2010
As most of the people, i'm new to this world an having 100's of questions.
I have just received, 3 days ago, my 7" tablet, wich i don't know what brand it is, or in wich tread should i look, maybe rockchip?
Anyway here is what i have found...
I have yet download programs,view video, surf on the web and chat with MSN with no issues.
What i have found by reading many post, is that many people want to update the FW but seems to be a nightmare and a bad idea, so i will not try to do it. I'm surprise that there is no update software that come in the tablet, either for the FW or the android program.

But one thing i haven't found yet in the stickies, is some kind of starter kit that would include the following questions or link...
*Instruction of basics use of an Android tablet software.
*How to bing back the tablet software as it was out of the box?
*link or how to found apk for tablet version? A lots of apk on Android market are for phone, 2x2" screen or close to this.
*to do and not to do list. ex: update FW at your risk

Anyway i will keep surfing in this world, to increase my knowledge.
Regards to all
Welcome to the forum hopefully we can help now to answer your questions simply you haven't found much because there are so many tablets and there not all the exact same so something that might work for one tablet might not work for another. Now for more specifics, your right most app are made for phones because tablets just barely came out several months ago and the devs haven't had time or seen a need to build apps for both tablets and phones but when android tablets go main stream you will see a lot more apps geared toward them. A basic use for tablets is for ebook reading and web surfing but thats just a general you can use your tablet for anything as long as it will do it. The software is just the os and will always be stuck unless you flash a new firmware then to get back to stock you will have to flash the stock firmware, if you were talking about software as apps you can install/unistall whenever you want (except for the stock apps) I would update firmware but thats because i feel comfortable doing so if you dont then dont hope that helps and hope yo share your findings with us