What are you using for video phone calls?


Apr 29, 2011
I've never tried this but I'm wondering which way is the best for the A500.

Is it Skype?

Is it Google Talk?

Or is it something else (I remember seeing a commercial on tv where 4 people were talking to each other at once on their phones)

If you are using something for video calls, can you drop a line here on how well it works and what you are using?

I think good video calls would be a great "app" to have for this tablet.

I tried Skype but wasn't able to get it to work when trying to video with my son on his iPod touch. Next we tried Fringe which is the one that can do a video chat with up to four people but couldn't get the video to work. Have had some success with Tango bit only if I make the call. For some reasonI can't answer when he calls me.

Haven't tried the Google on yet but that may work well. Will be trying it soon.
I tried Skype but wasn't able to get it to work when trying to video with my son on his iPod touch. Next we tried Fringe which is the one that can do a video chat with up to four people but couldn't get the video to work. Have had some success with Tango bit only if I make the call. For some reasonI can't answer when he calls me.

Haven't tried the Google on yet but that may work well. Will be trying it soon.

Skype isn't supported yet, but google talk works great. Seems more convenient since we all have google accounts, and all of our contacts are there. And if someone does't have a gmail account, it takes 3 minutes to set up.
Skype isn't supported yet, but google talk works great. Seems more convenient since we all have google accounts, and all of our contacts are there. And if someone does't have a gmail account, it takes 3 minutes to set up.
I use Google Talk and I'm surprised how great it works.
Having read this I installed google talk and the chat works fine but there doesn't seem to be an option for video calls. What am I missing? I found the video calling from PC download but how does it work on the A500? Or any other suggestions of tried and true ways for video calling between PC and A 500? Thanks heaps, love the forum
Google talk comes pre-installed. Maybe if you found one elsewhere and forced it to install you clobbered the one that was on the tablet.

In google talk you will see a microphone or a camera next to some of your contacts. Those people can do voice or video.
Anyone on a PC with a web cam can open a browser to gmail.com and use their mic and or web cam to chat with you.

You can also chat with any other Honycomb user.
Thankfully I know a lot more about my tablet now than when I first got it (largely due to this forum) but I don't have a google talk app and there isn't one in the market. If I've accidentally deleted it do you know how I get it back? I can use chat but it's not through an app. Please forgive my ignorance and thanks for your help
YAY, thanks Icebike, thanks to the reply to Gerryex I found it. I was looking for 'google talk' not 'talk' DUH

one question tho - how do I add contacts? I'm sure it's easy but my brain is so fried from trying to get this to work the last few days I'm sure it will be staring at me too!!!
How do you add contacts?

Why by using the app called.... (wait for it....) Contacts!!! TaDa!!!!

You can chat with any of your contacts that accept your invitation. But they first have to be in your google contacts, which is the same as your gmail contacts, which is the same as your phone contacts (if you have an android phone).

So add the other person to your contacts and include their gmail address. Then in Talk, send them an invitation by tapping the head with a plus sign in upper right. When they accept your invitation then you can see their status and call them.

Either party can be using Android or the gmail website via a browser.
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