What can I use my Android 2.3 for??


Mar 1, 2012
I had my first computer exactly 31 years ago, the old TRS80!! Since then I've 'grown up' with every generation of PC, Windows based. I thought I'd get myself a 7" Android tablet to see what all the fuss is about.
It's a 16gb Samsung processor tablet. It does well with emails, Skype and simple stuff, but I'm now wondering what else I can use it for? Its Wi-Fi sensitivity is not so good as my laptop, which restricts movement.
I don't play games, if I watch a movie it's on the TV, if I want to research data on the Internet it's on my laptop, similarly writing and printing letters, articles, customising photos, etc.
Can someone tell me why I have a tablet? It's supposed to be a "Tablet PC" but so far the similarity eludes me. Are there any applications which might turn me on, can I substitute it for my laptop at all??
Waiting with bated breath, as they say. You can probably gather that I'm a 'Newbie'
Hi Campo,

My tablet is not a replacement for my Laptop but an addition. It can do most things a laptop can do sometimes better but most times I prefer my Laptop to write, do graphic works etc.

What a tablet is really adding for me is mobility and convenience. For a lot of reasons I don't like taking my Laptop to a restaurant, bus trip etc. There are security concerns and to be honest it is a bit bulky and slow to boot.

My Tablet goes everywhere. I don't have any sensitive information on it and it is rather in expensive so I am not worried to read the news, check my emails or update facebook when I am out and around.

If you don't have that need then maybe you really don't need a Tablet.
Hi Campo, with the addition of reading books I pretty much use mine the same way Tanzanite does. It's great for "waiting". Waiting while my oil is being changed, my wife is shopping etc.