What Tablet are you waiting for?

Oct 2, 2010
I see a few threads on here about peoples "dream" tablets, but what tablets with imminent release dates are you waiting for? What tablets make you almost nuts with anticipation?

Personally I'm waiting for the eLocity A7, the Samsung Galaxy WiFi version, and the ViewSonic View Pads to go on sale. :D The Notion Ink tab would be nice too, but it doesn't seem as if it will be finished before 2011 or I'd add that one to my list too.
I'm waiting for any Android 2.2 tablet with capacitive touch, => 7", has good application compatibility, Adobe Flash support, and is under $250CAD taxes included.
I look farward to have a really Android 2.2 tablet, for example ,the basic function is that Flash can run on it.
I decide to take the plunge and pre order the Elocity a7. The only down side is the screen res & no 3g but I can tether that to my Nexus One, but the great thing is everything else. I just hope Gingerbread will be supported for this. I'm already ready to root this sucker. Hopefully they ship out soon.
It is not available ... Yet.
10.2 capacitive screen
.5 Kg or less
Multi-core processor with separate GPU (next gen (Variable load) Samsung or ARM)
Pico-display with virtual Keyboard for surface typing (not screen)
1 Gb RAM
64 Gb SSD on a Chip
Integrated front/rear cameras
3/4G MicroSIM slot
MicroSD slot
2xHigh Density USB 2/3 slots
802.11 B/G/N
360 G-Sensor
Battery with 8-10 hours life /20-30 standby
and of course
Maybe GPS
I do not need HDMI as I would rarely depend upon that.
And $500USD max
I will be suffering along on my Archos 101 which I have preloaded and my A81E until then.
I think I might just go with a Notion Ink Adam. The price is somewhat reasonable, different prices for different models. The specs are awesome.
Yeah I just wonder how much will be subsidized on it. I would had waited for the ATT Galaxy S, but I know they will strip it worse than a $2 prostitute.....

I would only want one if it was unbranded completely. I really hate AT&T branded stuff.