What tablet is this?

Jan 25, 2011
can anyone tell me what exact tablet this is? and what exact firmware will work for it? i keep getting prepare software package or whatever and i cant flash any firmware


it looks like that exactly, on the bottom the ports all have little black pictures like headphones, TF, and power. the side buttons say volume and menu they are all silver


Hi randomhero1270, we need a bit more information and the links doesn't provide me with details about the device that I need in order to identify it. Here are some important questions for ID:

1. What is the WMT version ? (you can see rightunder while booting / settings/about device)
2. What color LED has it ? Blue or Green ?
3. Does it vibrate when turned on ?
4. What did the box label say ? MID / iRobot / ePad / aPad / SmartPad etc.

Let me know and I'll see if I can ID your tablet and suggest a ROM.