Whats driving tablet sales?


Jun 5, 2011
Consumer expectations are high for what a tablet can do for them. But what is it exactly, that's driving the sales or expected sales of these tablets in today's markets?

Personally I think it's the media overall. So with this in mind I would like to see how many media offerings are out there right now with this thread. This would include, Movies, Musical offerings in the form of subscription's. Up and coming cloud offerings like Googles Musical cloud, Apple just put one up. Amazon has had there's up for awhile now.. And the list goes on and on.. Any one of you folks want to tackle compiling a list and getting it organized. Should include Books, Movies, Music, Gaming and the list goes on and on.. Go ahead have fun see what you can find and link it to this thread.. Should help anyone that wants to really compile a comprehensive list a good head start..

Here is an example of a movie outlet that I haven't heard much about. Noticed it because I've been hanging around Best Buy for the last few weeks looking at tablets.

Best Buys "Cinema Now"

Yours Through The Screen

MarkWF1 :cool:
Just got back from Bestbuy.. Little disappointed. They have all the 7, 8 inch tablets HTC Fyler etc but non of the 10 inch tabs. They have the Xoom and the Acer out on the floor everything else is in limbo. Listed as for sale on pre-order in there catalog but not out on there floor. I want to touch, feel and play with them before I buy. They do have a spot with signage out for the HP that's coming out.. Listed as coming soon.. So the merchandising spots are all there but it's a dead area right now if your into heading down to best buy like I've been doing every other day or so the last few weeks.. Boring!
I think the web is driving the market. Lots of computer users today just want to communicate, be it Skype, email, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. Why bother with a huge chunky laptop or archaeic desktop when you could whip out your 8-10 inch tablet and do all those things? Tablets are light-weight and power-on response is fast. A laptop or desktop computer are only necessary when you have the requirement to read/write optical media.

Will I ever replace my primary laptop/desktop with a tablet? No, but I would love to grab my tablet when I get home from work and sink into the couch just to "catch up" quickly before moving on to other household tasks. My laptop will stay around for those weekends when I'm feeling productive and try my hand at PhotoShop.
The tablet is the perfect info-consuming device, user are using info, little "producing", they removed the HW keyboard and the device immediately became nice to see, fits for the use and small to carry around.

You look too much serious with a monitor and a keyboard, you look "smart" with just a montor (tablet) in front of you - people are less scared by a computer if they don't have 104ish buttons in front of them ;)

It's sad, but it's true.
Lets not forget that SciFi has been showing us just how cool we'd look with tablets in hand for at least a decade or more now :)
I agree. The iPads/Honeycombs in particular are very useful for diverse tasks. Androids, in particuar. My A500 is the same size as my wife's netbook's screen, but has a better image, the same productivity, and no Windows to deal with. It's also a lot easier to carry around. I've said for years that computers should just turn on and work, without having to boot, or load drivers, etc. Is Android and iOs perfect? No, but it's a big step in the right direction. This is light years more advanced and useful than the Palm I bought my wife 10 years ago.

Sent from my A500
Out of the movies, we have seen all sorts of crazy somewhat realistic things that could happen. The computer, Laptop were already what they were and they were always behind compared to the movies even though, fake fake fake and cheesy, the mass buys it up!

Movies, you see as somebody said above, serious look with some laptop and keyboard, !great example :) The person with the tablet, well the tablet is about on the same wave length on how we see it in movies, (movies for one example) but a good one..

All of sudden Tablets are out, not cheesy looking. Just like that!