Whats going on with the forum?


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2012
Several days back the sight went down, I could not get on with PC or tablet. Had full access to other forums and the net. Netflix etc all worked fine so it was not my internet.
Made a post at the Thrive forums and some of the members there could not log in to their accts here either.
3 times while trying to get to the off topic area just now I got the error 502 page, and navigating the forum is very slow and lethargic while other sights work just fine.
So the question is. Whats going on here that changed a few days ago that is causing the molassis like speed or total inability to access the sight?
I was having some issues as well, getting some odd errors like an outdated plug in. I seemed yo be able yo Access the forum uf i cleared the caché first on Mt phone and tablet. Seems ok now though.
We had server issues and everything is now fixed.
I think I understood what you were saying there.
What ever it was or is, because there is still a intermitent issue, it was/is with the forum. When it effects more than one device and more than one persons acct.
Even when logging in yesterday three times I got some kind of error. And again when making posts, it was almost like the page my device was first directed to was not there and after getting the error my device was redirected to another forum page.

I just thought, I wonder, if the server that this forum is on was one of those PCs that was effected by that windows malware thing where the PCs would lose internet access on Monday, that would have been about the same time as the outage and the fact that it seems my PC is getting redeirected to another forum page by another computer would also seem to fit.
But again it is not my PC that the problem is with, I never lost my data, but instead with the forum servers. I bet that is what happened. I guess that is just another plus to using linux, windows based malware, adware, viruses, etc just don't work on them (provided your not running wine or another emulator, which I'm not).
Any way, I hope they get what ever it is figured out and fixed, it is hard enough quiting cigaretts this week without having to go through forum withdraw at the same time, lol.
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I just thought, I wonder, if the server that this forum is on was one of those PCs that was effected by that windows malware thing where the PCs would lose internet access on Monday

This was not related to that in any way. Some addresses were changed and it's taking the DNS servers a while to get updated.

it is hard enough quiting cigaretts this week without having to go through forum withdraw at the same time, lol.

Best of luck with that.:eek:
This was not related to that in any way. Some addresses were changed and it's taking the DNS servers a while to get updated.

Best of luck with that.:eek:

Cool, glad to hear. Yah with the cigs.............. as you can guess, not easy going but holding on to sanity for now. Was at a friends house tonight and his girlfriend lit up a cig while me and my friend where talking and the smoke drifted right in to my nose, my mind went blank for a second. It is funny how you pay little attention to it when you smoke and then when you are trying to quit how much even the smell can effect you. Still. it has only been a few days and no cigs. And I am still smoke free at the end of this day. They say the first few weeks are the hardest.