What's Important To YOU . . .


May 5, 2010
. . . in an Android tablet?

How many of you are waiting, like me, and what are you waiting for in a tablet? What is a "must have" for you? I'd like to know just to see if I'm on the same page as others. My
Android table must have:

a Capacitive screen
an accelerometer
a fast processor
usb ports
sdhc slot (32gb)
access to the Android Market
minimum 7" screen size
in short something better than an iPad
and please don't have the word "Pad" in it's name.

I'm also beginning to think that it might be worth waiting for Gingerbread. I know that it will mean I probably won't get a tablet until Xmas, but I'm thinking the wait might be worth it to get an Android OS designed for tablets. So another question is how easy will it be to upgrade to 3.0?

I'm really excited about NotionInk and the Samsung tablets (and others). I really doubt if I can wait until Xmas for a new tablet, especially once the really nice ones are on the shelves.

Well, I think the ODROID-T is a good solution. Right now, it only has the bulk hardware, so there are no retail version yet. But, if you are one of those who can touch the hardwares and softwares, then ODROID would be the great solution. otherwise, you gotta wait :)
Also comparing to other chinese manufacturers, ODROID is made in Korea, and it will cost merely $600-$700 bucks. But, it will give you a satisfying product.
The ADAM is seems to be the best all around, full featured tablet.

Aside from the capacitive screen, everything on your list describes pretty much the majority of decent android tablets.

The things to look at are the quality of hardware, build and support for upgrades and the functions a person wants for their needs.
Like people who just want to use one as a Kindle or reader don't need a super fast processor or graphics support or even wifi or access to the apps store. Whereas someone who wants to play games, watch videos and access the internet will need all of the afore mentioned features with the ability to upgrade so they can stay up to date with apps and firmware and such.
Other things like GPS and webcam are also considerations.

For me though, all I want right now is something I can read and watch videos on, but I also want to get the best bang for my buck.
Though the $100 tablets meet my needs, its pointless to buy since they're cheap and are not built to be able to update and have minimal functionality. I can shell out an extra $50 - $100 for something with much higher quality: faster, more features, sturdy casing (more durable), and supports future updates.

So I decided to get a decent 7" tablet for now so I can read all these books I have on file, and wait til Q1 of 2011 maybe for some price drops and for all of the nice full featured 10" tablets to be out, compared and reviewed.

The 7" specs i decided on were:
2.1 OS/1080p/HDMI/Accelerometer/TCC8902 - Everything else is pretty much standard (usb, sdhc... w/e)
- Don't need capacitive for reading or the majority of apps out on android.
- This build may support 2.2 (flash)
- Supports HD and 3D, decodes quickly.
- Relatively cheap, good size, mobile, high functionality, can plug into a larger monitor if necessary.

The 10" that i would keep in home simply because I think its quite unnecessary to bring a device of that size around anywhere public. Would be pretty much the same as above but with a capacitive screen, faster processor, support for 3.0 and maybe a webcam or something? i dont know.
It really depends on what you use it for. I intended to get one to read ebooks and pdfs, with video functionality. The Apad was the most balanced model at the time, and it is still pretty good.

I still don't fully trust the TCC8902 variants, except for Gentuoch. They also have issues with Google Market.

7" or maybe 8" is really the largest I'd go right now because of the resolution Android supports (they are typically 800x480)

I'd say the Samsung Galaxy Tab at 7" has more potential than the Adam, at least for the short term.
. . . in an Android tablet?

and please don't have the word "Pad" in it's name.


AMEN!!! LOL an that list is pretty much what i'm looking for as well! and while it probably doesn't need to be said but I want it to stream videos as well, that seems to be a software issue with a couple of the latest releases!
The 7" specs i decided on were:
2.1 OS/1080p/HDMI/Accelerometer/TCC8902 - Everything else is pretty much standard (usb, sdhc... w/e)
- Don't need capacitive for reading or the majority of apps out on android.
- This build may support 2.2 (flash)
- Supports HD and 3D, decodes quickly.
- Relatively cheap, good size, mobile, high functionality, can plug into a larger monitor if necessary....

I couldn't disagree with you here, perfect. So... what's the choice of your tablet? I have to say that I have not found a tablet that meets all of above criteria.
On the 'Pad' word in the branding, this was the first thing I told them when I found the guys on QQ (China's IM service). They thought it was okay.

They are copying the looks of the iPad because they think it looks good. I told that this was idiotic, but they didn't listen. But on the other hand, they do benefit in terms of product exposure and SEO.

The iPed was such a piece of crap, but they had more exposure than the Eken and the Ramos W7 tablet. I can only imagine that people actually went. It's kind of a form marketing in itself.

Augen Gentouch is great if it's in stock. If you can't wait, I like my Apad iRobot, but identifying it has been a pain in the behind because it's gone through at least 3 revisions just from the main factory. Good if you find the right one. Otherwise, I'd count on one of the Telechips variants.

That HSG one I posted has some potential in terms of hardware, but again the Android implementation is not great. WITS has had a crappy version of Android 2.1 for months, and just released a buggy Android 2.2. But heck at least they try (kind of), but fail.

It's a common pattern that Chinese ODMs just can't get good firmware development for their devices.
lol idk if there is any android tablet with this feature, and if there is inform me.
how about a port for VGA or hdmi for a proyector and a good software for it o_O
and also a wireless keyboard? or slide on the back lol. I think someone is gonna answer something like .. fool the android is this and that and the tablet is this and that lol.. haha but am new so what the heck :p
It sounds more and more like you want a real tablet PC. I have the HP Compaq 2710p, and used to own the HP TX2500.

But if you must get Android, the closest thing coming is the Dell Streak if you get that with the HDMI dock. Keyboards will connect via bluetooth.

I have not seen a cheap Android tablet that does HDMI proper except for the SmartQ v7... But that's not really cheap...
I have enjoyed the comments. Somebody mentioned HDMI port, and I agree, a must. Sounds like most of us want the same thing. I'm definitely leaning towards the NI Adam, but others will be out soon including the Cruz Tablet by Velocity Micro for $300. It's supposed to be released this month, and looks pretty good. Still don't know which version of Android it'll have.

fbales the cruz tablet got released earlier this month, they even dropped the price down to $190 (not sure if it still is anymore) but upon further investigation it was brought to my attention that it really was just a renaming/branding of an eken (I believe). also i'm pretty sure it at a resistive screen.
The Cruz Tablet is rumored to be 2.2. I have been following this tablet myself. See link from my site. I have received confirmation from Velocity Micro that they will be making an announcement this week so lets see what the real specs are - specifically the processor and OS version.
Snoopy, the cruz reader & tablet have not been released yet. Where did you get information that they did? Also, the Reader is about $199 and has resistive screen but the more expensive Tablet is $299 and has capacitive screen.
Anyone got a good shot of the Cruz Reader? I'm willing to bet it's just a rebranded WM8505 device that has been selling for $99 shipped everywhere.
Sorry, got my tablets mixed up, i was thinking the dreem "vivid" tablet, I had initially ben watching both the cruz and the dreem closely! sorry about that!