Where can I find firmware ( and how to install it + Windows CE


Sep 6, 2010
Hello everybody :) I bought Epad p7901a with android 2.1. Where can I find firmware to update it? How to update firmware? I'm totally beginner and I don't know anything :p

Is there also some tutorial which shows how to install Windows CE on this device?
Two separate questions. There may be mods of your device with updates to 2.1, but upgrade to 2.2 would likely come from a firmware cook who has the same unit. Not telling you to look to other sites, but search google with your device name, firmware upgrade, and download and you may find something. There is more likely be mods of 2.1 than newer 2.2 firmware.

As to CE, there are very few that offer CE/Android multi-boot. Keep in mind CE and Window Mobile are basically the same with one (WM) directed to Phones. CE was designed for PDAs. There was a technical fork never discussed at Version 6. There is no CE beyond V6 and Windows Mobile only after that.

I would suggest the same googling for your tablet and CE, If it has been created, then the firmware update methodology is identical. But each is generally specific to the device.

Best of luck.
I would stick with Android OS 2.1 for now and check on the site where you had purchased your tablet from since most of them now have some sort of support of the ROM.
I'm looking for the same thing, windows CE instead of android. Anyone know where i would find windows CE ROMs for the apad?
ive changed mine from android to win ce....

ill upload for you in a few mins
thanks Bee for the up....ive got an android 2.2 which is showing 1/4 inch of screen as blurred..apparently this can be solved by going to windows ce(not that i want to)...sorry for asking a stupid question,but what the hell do i do with the files included in that link?
also,how dangerous is it to instal windows ce over android(are you instaling it,or flashing it btw?)...
Hello i bought a apad tablet and i do not like the android os on it. this is the info mine gave me on what it is.
Model Number LY-089
Firmware 2.1
Kernel version 2.6.25
Rockchip version 1.2.7 (ruiguan)
Build Number RK-1.3.2.engr.root.20100902.205943

would that windows Ce work on this one? and on that windows ce programs can i use i have one that my work uses works on windows me and xp. can this program works on windows ce?
and how would i go around to installing windows ce on this tablet??

i have the M701-R and i have no clue to update the firmware on it but i would like some help and im new to the terms so if someone could give it to me relatively easy to understand i would really appreciate it

Bee, I am an American working in China right now.. I just bought a Apad clone.. works great but it has Android on it.. I am a Windows fan as I do a log of C++ and MFC programming. I would like to convert this Apad to CE.. I see you sent a download link to another person. I tried to download but was blocked.. happens sometimes in China.. I am wondering if I can contact you or vice versa. I have a server in the United States.. I could set up an FTP folder to upload too. I hope this isn't too imposing. I could really use some help in getting what is necessary to do the CE conversion.

Bob Campbell
Shanghai, China
home: Phoenix, Arizona
hi unfortunatly i do not know how to install the files, but i do know you have to do something with them on a piece of software called burntool, type that in on google and download it and also there isnt much risk installingwindows ce, however it is flashing.