Which Android best for Netflix streaming on TV?


Dec 5, 2010
My only interest is to leave an Android connected to my 41" TV via an HDMI cable so I can stream Netflix movies via the internet.

What characteristics do I need in an Android to do this? Speed, type and version of processor, visual clarity and resolution, memory ... ?

Saw the inexpensive iMito 7 but don't know if is will give me what I need for viewing streamed movies.
for your purposes it sounds like you would be fine with anything around 800 mhz and even the telechips processor.

I would consider these tablets (merimobiles has videos and customer questions that have been really helpful for me so I use the site as a resource but lots of other sites will have these tablets)
Herotab X5A Multitouch Gsensor 800Mhz Android 2.1 1080P HDMI/USB+free case
Herotab G701 Gsensor 800Mhz Android 2.1 1080P HDMI OUT+Free Case

they have the same specs and with the RK7 you can even see the video where he plays video via the hdmi port to a tv.

now I am not sure but I believe the netflix streams don't use a flash player but if they do you would need android 2.2 AND it would have to be able to play flash. Be careful though some tablets advertised as 2.2 still can't play flash.
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i guess the more important question is - is there a netflix app for android? i know comcast is working on xfinity purportedly to allow access to some comcast content but i am not aware of netflix+android - but love to have it if it exists

My only interest is to leave an Android connected to my 41" TV via an HDMI cable so I can stream Netflix movies via the internet.

What characteristics do I need in an Android to do this? Speed, type and version of processor, visual clarity and resolution, memory ... ?

Saw the inexpensive iMito 7 but don't know if is will give me what I need for viewing streamed movies.
is there a netflix app for android?

Short answer: Nope... and unless things change, might not be

Long answer from Netflix themself:

We recently announced the availability of Netflix on Windows Phone 7 devices, which, alongside the iPhone, represents the second mobile phone platform we have enabled for streaming from Netflix. Notably absent from current supported mobile devices is Android and I wanted to provide an update on where things stand with this important platform.

We regard Android as an exciting technology that drives a range of great devices that our members could use to instantly watch TV shows and movies from Netflix. We are eager to launch on these devices and are disappointed that we haven’t been able to do so already. The hurdle has been the lack of a generic and complete platform security and content protection mechanism available for Android. The same security issues that have led to piracy concerns on the Android platform have made it difficult for us to secure a common Digital Rights Management (DRM) system on these devices. Setting aside the debate around the value of content protection and DRM, they are requirements we must fulfill in order to obtain content from major studios for our subscribers to enjoy.

just thought I would add this also. I attempted to log onto watch it now via skyfire on my phone (2.1) and I got a message saying netlifx streaming is not making instant videos available for mobile browsers.

So I am not sure how you would be able to watch netflix on any tablet at this point until an app is released
Isn't there a setting for Android that allows one to force the browser into desktop instead of mobile? Maybe that would work.
Short answer, Nope. It is an emulation mode of a full desktop browser. It is not the same as actual full desktop browser. The response feverhost posted is the most pertinent though. Android and DRM/access control is still a work in progress. They want the ability to lock it down like iOS IPad/IPhone. Such that you have no rights to the media. You are merely viewing an attribute on your tablet.
The ease of Rooting, inspectiing the code and security parameters of Android still are too open for a media provider like Netflix.
Now I have seen a work around involving your desktop and a ustream account. I will find the link and post it

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No offense intended, but there are so many HT devices already capable of getting Netflix onto a TV, I just don't see the rationale for going through the effort for such a cobjob approach to a problem that really doesn't exist. Just my two cents.
As I don't know the answer to this, is it possible to even install SilverLight on Android?

I'd love to be able to watch Netflix on Android, it would be an awesome feature... and possibly worth paying for. On a side note, if I wasn't able to watch my SlingBox (slingplayer) on my phone, i'd be lost at times.
I contacted Netflix directly and I was told that they are currently working on an Android App but would not give a timeline for when it would be released.
They have been working on an app for a while but have come across some major road bloacks in terms of security. I wouldn't be surprised if it takes a while longer

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I don't see Netflix being on Android anytime soon. Netflix, Inc. has jumped on the Apple term "fragmented" in a few press releases the last couple of months. Netflix needs a tight, controlled way to deliver their movies.. and I feel the openness of Android is actually going to limit Netflix being on it. Also so many phones, and now tablets, add their own "extra stuff" to the devices... it's hard for Netflix to release a generic app for all devices.