Hello, I have a 7" Panimage Multimedia novel tablet which I purchased about 2 weeks ago which is running Android 1.6.
I am looking into rooting the device and upgrading to a better version of android so that the device will run faster.
The following is the information I got from the settings area "About device"
Model Number: PD_Novel
Firmware Version: SH20_20110302_K_PD_INX7E_ENG_6410POP
Kernel Version: 2.6.29
Build Number: PD_Novel 2011.03.02
Could someone tell me what version of the ROM I should use to update
my tablet.
Also, is there a way to get a version of su so that I can su directly to root
allowing me to change the permissions of all the directories and files on the
system without having to upgrade the android operating system by reinstalling
with a new version of ROM. Is there any application which can change all the
file permissions of all files & directories so that the files can then be updated and viewed by the app_37 user which is what I am when I power up the tablet?
Thanks for your help.

I am looking into rooting the device and upgrading to a better version of android so that the device will run faster.
The following is the information I got from the settings area "About device"
Model Number: PD_Novel
Firmware Version: SH20_20110302_K_PD_INX7E_ENG_6410POP
Kernel Version: 2.6.29
Build Number: PD_Novel 2011.03.02
Could someone tell me what version of the ROM I should use to update
my tablet.
Also, is there a way to get a version of su so that I can su directly to root
allowing me to change the permissions of all the directories and files on the
system without having to upgrade the android operating system by reinstalling
with a new version of ROM. Is there any application which can change all the
file permissions of all files & directories so that the files can then be updated and viewed by the app_37 user which is what I am when I power up the tablet?
Thanks for your help.