Which tablet is the most powerful one?


Jan 17, 2011
I want to know which tablet is the most powerful one in the market? Any one can share your voices? Thanks! ;)
Malata Zpad with dual-core Nvidia Tegra 2, Android 2.2, 10", multitouch, customizable 3G. Custom order for 1GB RAM.
I would probably say that the Samsung Galaxy Tab (especially over clocked at 1.2Ghz) is the fastest tablet on the market. Until the Motorola Xoom and iPad2 hit the market in 1 - 4 months.
Just out of curiousity.. How underpowered will the galaxy tablet be compared to the new gen tablets? is the galaxy tab gonna be like using windows 95 vs vista?

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Ya i know the tegra 2 is dual core but i was wondering how dramatic the improvement would be.. From looking at the links i can tell its not as huge as i thought which makes me feel somewhat less mad about buying the galaxy tab early. Im very hopeful that we will get honeycomb and the OS will improve the overal performance of the device. I still really like my galaxy tab but if the Xoom is priced what the forums are pridicting i may have two tablets XD

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy tablet using Tapatalk
I don't think Android applications are optimized for dualcore. What really will make a difference with the dualcore is with Adobe Flash, because I know all the singlecore solutions struggle with Flash content. It will make multitasking better, but we have to see what Android 3.0 comes up with in that regard, because up to now, Android isn't really that good with handling multitasking. Google is working on that.
The next few months will be quite interesting! :)

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I'm still hoping for some webOS like multitasking goodness when honeycomb comes out. That is one thing WebOS handles better than anyone else.