Which tablet should i get?


Oct 19, 2010
First of all....hi, im new here :D

I'm thinking of buying an android tablet for my gf this christmas.
other than ebay i dont really know where to look, plus there are so many out there now i dont have a clue which is good and which to avoid, ideally i'd like it to be running 2.1 +
and needs to be able to run a ebook reading app (kindle?) would be nice if it supported flash too..

looking to spend around £150 ish

all feedback much appreciated :)

forgive me if this thread has been done to death
Thanks for the link,

After a little more thought i'd like the tablet to be running 2.2 and the size really isn't too important 7" to 10" is fine, are there more than just the one you linked to? do you know of others? anywhere in the UK where i can order from? if not i don't mind ordering from other countries but obviously would have to be from a reputable seller.

if anyone has any links to tablets that they would suggest that i could look at it would be greatly appreciated, thanks

edit: also its essential that the screen is Capacitive and not Resistive.
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