Which Tablet?


Jun 19, 2011
I am a newbie to tablets but I currently own a HTC Desire which i have rooted and running a custom rom so I am not a newbie to the world of Android.

I have looking for a anadroid tab, my requirements are;

  • Minimum 10" screen
  • Dual Core 1ghz
  • Minimum 512MB memory
  • Capacitive screen
  • 3G (would be nice but not essential)
  • GPS (again would be nice to have)
  • MAIN REQUREMENT: lots of support in the world of custom roms :D
  • Budget - £200 ($350)

The closest I have found is the Viewsonic G-Tablet. Any comments on this or what else is available out there?

Unfortunately, you won't find a quality tablet for $350. However, you can own the best of the lot (IMHO) for $400. The Asus Eee Transformer.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum