Which tablet???


Feb 29, 2012

Since my last post, a couple of months ago, I got the Zenithink C91 tablet. It is a nice tablet, but I found that its quality was not very worthy, especially the quality of the sounds it produces. I have a high end Klipsch earbuds and when I was watching a movie or was listening to mp3 music on it, the sound was not good at all, to say the least. Despite the poor sound quality, the image quality was amazing I must say.

Another thing I didn’t like (personally and not only on the Zenithink) is the wide screen. I find that wide screen on a tablet is good for only one thing – watching movies. I find it uncomfortable to read ebooks (any format) or even browsing the Internet. Again, that’s my personal opinion.

Another point I find strange, is the fact that it doesn’t support wireless N, only B/G.

So to summarize, The Zenithink C91 is a very good beginner’s tablet, but you would quickly want to replace it for something better.

So what I want to say after all of this is that I’m now looking to buy a different tablet. I don’t want to spend too much money and get a Galaxy or EeePad Transformer or an Acer or a Toshiba tablet. But I am looking at any of the following tablets as an option:

Onda Vi40 Elite
Teclast A10T Blade
Window N90
Magic Cube U9GT2
Acho C906
HKC S9 Slim

All of these are in the range of $260-$280 and with 4:3 9.7” screens. Could someone please provide some details about the sound quality that these tablets produce and if they are otherwise worthy of purchasing?

Your input is much appreciated.

Thank you,
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I can't say in general for them but I have a sanei n90 which, apart from bluetooth has same specs as most of them & sound is excellent. The nearest specs on your list is yuandao which is almost identical. They're all tabs I looked at before buying mine & the yuandao & onda were my 1st choices. The onda was never in stock at the time and the yuandao was more expensive than mine so I chose the sanei. I'm not disappointed with my choice but would've got the onda had it been available. I suggest you look at redtabletpc.com . They're supporting vendor on this forum & have a good reputation. You choose which shipping suits you ( personally i'd go for dhl fast & not too expensive either.) Also they tend to stock the better quality tablets than some others. If you contact them they may help in telling you which has best sound. I'm not sure but there was an offer for 30 usd worth of accessories free with purchase, it may still be on. Worth a look in my opinion but its ip to you. All the tabs on your list look capable enough & ips screen is superb. I myself prefer 4:3 screen size. Its better for web,games reading etc. Good luck I hope you find what you're looking for.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Ps ployer momo ll is also a good tab to add to your list as is teclast a10

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Yes it is interesting but where can you buy them from safely? I prefer the 9.7" in the vid. I think if you're In china perhaps you can buy them cheap but I haven't seen it elsewhere unfortunately.!

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
It seems that this is a pre-order for 1000 units. Not a separate price per unit. They may still be a bargain when released at around 229usd per unit. But when??

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
So many unauthorised spammers!

I have to recommend the Cube tablets at the moment. The Cube U9GT (or the U9-GT2 if you have cash to spare) seems fairly popular and is fairly reasonably priced. The next step up from those is probably something like the first Transformer in terms of price and quality.
Nice tab but a bit pricey one this site, might be worth checking chinese sites for a better price

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Preorder.mmmmmmm could be a while knowing how that works!

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Preorder.mmmmmmm could be a while knowing how that works!

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet

You should really stop responding to unpaid advertisers, their posts get removed and it looks like you've gone a little bit mental :p
Stormium said:
You should really stop responding to unpaid advertisers, their posts get removed and it looks like you've gone a little bit mental :p

I was still one about them smartq tab.. I liked the u9gt, nearly got one but them sanei pipped it with extra 8 gb. Them new ones have got 16 now I think.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet
Yeah but its pre-order. If you're happy with 7" screen it does look a good tab.

Sent from my M9701 using Android Tablet