Wifi and Android 2.2 version to upgrade


Mar 22, 2011
I am new to this and have a new eTouch Elonex 1000ET for my bday when I have this for first time due to fault and unresponsive sent this back to the seller for a replacement which am not happy. A replacement have been upgrade firmware V1.03 for 1000ET and all I getting a wifi been cut off so many times to connect the network and not responded at all. Is there anyway you tell me when the new Android 2.2 is coming out which I heard about and what is this for?
Elonex told me they are currently working on the 2.2 version and it should be available soon.

Regarding your wi-fi connection you may find a different browser like Skyfire will be more reponsive. It could be your router signal that's causing the problem. Mine never drops out and I use the Sky router.

Elonex tested Skyfire for me and reported no problems.

See here: http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...e-assistance/9013-elonex-1000-et-skyfire.html

PS: With Skyfire you will also find that many features that require 'Flash' will run. Hopefully Flash Player will be available with the Android 2.2 upgrade.
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