WiFi auto negotiate????


Jan 9, 2011
I have been using the 7015 between home and work with great success.
One issue I have seen is that the tablet does not release my current wireless connection and auto connect on the new location.
I have to go into Wireless & Network settings and un-check the Wi-Fi (turn it off) and then re-check to capture the new current location.
Is this normal or should it just log on to the new managed access points like my iPod does?
Thanks for any help.
I notice the same thing. I find if I shut down the tablet and start from a fresh boot, it detects the available network and connects fine. If I just put it to sleep, it is stuck on the last connected network. And you're right, I find the fastest way to get it to connect to the right network is to turn off wifi and turn it back on. It's faster than rebooting, but it is frustrating.
Today I notice this today also. What i did was hit the Menu botton and the scan option came up and i tapped it and other networks popped up... Try it to see if it works for you.
When I roam I use WiFiBuddy and [Scan Now] for new hosts. So far library, friend's house, etc it's been fine. When I get back home I have to scan again to find the router thats one foot away.
What I notice is the connected router is still latched onto the tablet even though I'm miles away. I have to break that non existing connection and re-establish a connection to the new router.
It appears that the Wi-Fi on the tablets can not release a connection even though a signal is not there.

@sndplace. When I got to work I tried your method however I never see a SCAN menu pop up. Do you mean the Hard MENU button on the top of the tablet?
Yes. The menu botton on the side... I just hit the menu botton and a two bottons come up. left says scan and rights says advanced...
Advanced gives you Wi-Fi sleep policy, MAC address,IP settengs... When you tap the Use satic IP box you can then access IP address,Gateway,Netmask,DNS 1,DNS 2 ...
ah but you missed a few steps..... To access this scan menu;
From the HOME screen select the MENU hard key,
Select Wireless & networks
Select Wi-FI settings
Select the MENU hard key and the SCAN menu appears.
Way too many steps in my opinion for something that every other appliance does automatically. Please correct me if I'm wrong and there is a quicker way.
I just navigate to the Airplane Mode... turn it on then off and the Wi-Fi connects to the anticipated router.
My bad.. I assumed you already being on the WiFi settings screen checking on your connections... Whenever I'm not using the internet I put mine in Airplane Mode. So it always scans and connects to my router. So you can get a Airplain widget and just use that from your homescreen... I just downloaded Airplane Mode Widget.
I use "WiFi Buddy", A good widget for scan and on/off to prevent drain between access points.
I also stumbled onto this Widget solution when I realized that turning the Wi-Fi on/off is all that is required.
I have been using ControlBar to change screen brightness and it also has a Wi-Fi on/off button. So I placed this on the home screen.
I also stumbled onto this Widget solution when I realized that turning the Wi-Fi on/off is all that is required.
I have been using ControlBar to change screen brightness and it also has a Wi-Fi on/off button. So I placed this on the home screen.

I've been using the same thing for a while now. :) Just a simple press on the widget to turn wi-fi off, and then another press to turn it back on. Works great!
If you don't need wifi on all the time:

You can setup something with Setting Profiles Full - Android app on AppBrain
or http://www.appbrain.com/app/setting-profiles-lite/com.probeez.liteprofiles

Market search for 'Setting Profiles Lite', and install it

Setup a profile by hitting the menu button and choosing add profile. Name it whatever you want. Put a star beside wifi, and uncheck it. (you can additionally disable background sync as a tweak)

Next, go to the rules tab and hit menu and create a rule for screen off (choose screen on, and check inverse). If you want a delay between screen off and the wifi turning off, add in a pause of say around 8 seconds. Then add one more action to 'Activate profile', and choose the profile you just made.

That should do it.

The downside of this is that your wifi remains off when your screen is off. This is a tweak for saving your battery if you don't use sync as well.
Sorry to bring this up again.... the tablet is now automatically negotiating between different Wi-Fi connections as one would expect.
I think that this is do to the fact that I have not killed or removed any of the running services associated with the rooted Market.
In an effort to resolve the wake from sleep issue, most of the goggle running services were removed or killed. Now that SoftLocker sort off keeps the tablet screen from displaying randomly from sleep, I allowed all the Google services to run.
So I suspect that there is an app that should not be removed if you want the tablet to switch Wi-Fi hot spots automatically. I have no idea which one it is.