WiFi Connection Problems


Jan 13, 2012
Hi. I am new to this site and am looking for some help. I just bought my grand daughter a Sylvania 10" Android tablet for Christmas and she can't use it. The WiFi signal is so weak and then just drops off. Everything else in the house that is connected to the router works just fine. What can I do to improve the WiFi connection so she can actually play games and surf the net on her new tablet? Without the WiFi, it is useless to her. Thanks for any help you can give me.
I got the same one and got the same issue. I called the customer support Phone # that came with the tablet and they said that The Tablet wouldn't work with a Wireless router running the N signal and if you had a B/G Wireless router that you had to put it in Mixed Mode. I used an N signal Router at home but at my School they had a B/G signal Routers but still I got the same issue. The customer support kept claiming that it was my router until I pointed out that it was happening on every wireless router I have tried it on. They said it must be defective and to send it in for repairs. Because I didn't have the recite for it I ended up opening it up and found that the Wireless card is nothing more than a USB style card that was gutted and wired to the board. and I do mean Wired to the board. So I did what any one in my position would do. I cut the cables and took an old Netgear USB wireless adapter gutted it and soldered it to the board, grabbed a couple different drivers from the netgear website for it and loaded those into my system. Now my Wireless works a lot better.

Im not saying that you should go to the extreme that I did but if you have the recite you might want to see if you could get it fixed under warentee. Also before sending it in make sure that you backup all your data to an sd card so that you don't loose anything important
I have an Impression 10 Tablet and I have been on the hunt for a compatible usb wireless network adapter for a better wifi signal, any suggestions?