Wifi problem


Dec 19, 2010
Having a problem with my wifi. When i boot up, the wifi connects no problem. The problem occurs when i disconnect the wifi and then try to reconnect. I'm told my network is out of range.

I'm going to keep scouring the internet and see if i can find a solution. Just wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts or suggestions.

Sent from my p7901a using Tapatalk
Just wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts or suggestions.

Did you apply these tweaks from http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...resources-synet7lp-sytabex7-disgo-6000-a.html?

Resources for the SYNET7LP/SYTABEX7/Disgo 6000

Updated WiFi driver -
The tablet has a Ralink Tech Inc. RT2870 Chipset Based USB Wireless Adapter. It's the Wi-Fi Networking 802.11x device built in to the hardware. Just like a Wi-Fi adapter in a computer it uses a driver which can be updated by replacing the binary file possibly providing better performance.

The Linux RT2870 driver is /etc/firmware/rt2870.bin and the Configuration File is /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat

To replace the existing driver "rt2870.bin" download the latest version of the firmware for rt2870 on Ralink Web site - RT2870_Firmware_V22.

Copy/paste the rt2870.bin firmware using RootExplorer and reboot or through adb commands

C:\>adb push rt2870.bin /system/etc/firmware
C:\>adb reboot
Once device is back on go to Wi-Fi setting > Wi-Fi and uncheck then re-check and scanning returned.

RT2870 Wireless Lan Linux Driver ReadMe document

Auto-connect/Power saving WiFi
User's have reported that WiFi autoconnect started working when configuration file "/etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat" was modified.

Using 'RootExplorer' select the file with a long press that will open a menu, choose 'Open in text editor' and change the "TxPower" value from 100 to 20.

20 TxPower is reported to run much cooler and provide better performance. 100 TxPower is reported as meaning 100%.
Credit to the contributors sited
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Yup. I tried both of those with no luck.

Update: I think I have everything sorted out. Did a hard reset of my router and everything seems ok now. Time will tell.

Sent from my p7901a using Tapatalk
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After attempting to edit and update my WIFI (rt2870.dat and rt2870.bin, with no luck) I decided to copy both to my sdcard, update them both and then copy and paste back over the original files ( I have both Universal Androidroot and Root Explorer installed) so there shouldn't have been an issue with permissions, or so I thought). With that said I cannot copy and paste the updated files. Whenever I attempt to paste the newly created files nothing happens..no error or anything just doesn't not update. Now I do not have rt2870.bin or rt2870.dat installed and no longer connects to ANY network) I also deleted both of the original files. I am not able to do a factory reset...believe me I have tried...it just does not work. FYI: This is a month old purchase and came with Froyo 2.2. Please help because this tablet without WIFI is very limited....otherwise no real problems
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