Will not start


Senior Member
Mar 7, 2012
I bought this new about a year ago, used it for a few weeks and could not get on with it, basically the Wi Fi was crap even though my laptop worked perfectly in the same location. I boxes it up for sale but did not get around to doing anything about it until recently.

I had to unwrap the tablet to get at the spec so I can sell it on eBay, while I was accessible I though it might work now because I recently upgraded my router, I switched it on nothing happened.

Now after the tablet has been on charge for about 5 hours I switch it on and still nothing happens. With the charger removed there is a blue light indicating it is on and if I hold the off/on button down for 5 sec the light will go off. The tablet warms up in the area around where the power socket plugs in. The tablet makes a short click sound when turning on. Other than that it does nothing.

Is this an easy fix, or is it junk?

Mind you it was junk before and now it is probably worthless junk

Any help will be gratefully received



Been on charge for 1/2 a day and I noticed the red on charge light was not on, the charger was cold and so was the tablet. Pulled the charger socket out of the tablet reinserted and light comes on for a few seconds and goes out. Looks like the charger is dead, or some other bad connection, and probably the tablet does not have enough charge to start up. Bit of a bummer now have to find a charger before I can proceed. Might sell it as is, don't have the enthusiasm to pursue this much further.

Still appreciate any help

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I'm having problems starting my tablet as well. It seems to have absolutely zero power no matter how long I charge it. I get nothing but a blank black screen. Can anyone help.

Pantech Element
OK, I am new to this forum, and so far my question has had 286 viewings and 1 reply but no answer. I belong to a number of forums as far as I can remember almost all threads get an answer by the time there have been a dozen viewings. I don't know what the membership of this forum is I assume it is very large and therefore would have expected a few helpful answers from the number of viewings.

So, come on, don't be shy, give it your best shot, you never know what you write could be enough to trigger a solution