Windows 7 Lite for Dual Boot Viewpad 10


Apr 2, 2011
This is not pirated, pre-activated, or
patched in any way!!!! you still need
your windows home premium Key to
activate the software.

I made a lite version of Windows 7 Home premium x86 to install on our Viewpads, it is around 6Gb installed (4GB after applying the tips below), I took out a lot of useless crap but still left the necessary drivers and software for it to function correctly including windows updates.
before you begin, I recommend downloading the drivers or copying them from the cd to an sd card, or you can get a driver backup program, here are some good free choices.
Option #1: you can write it to your thumb drive using your favorite ISO writing software.
Option #2 format your thumb drive to NTFS,
copy all the files from inside the ISO onto the thumb drive,
open the boot folder, hold shift and right click somewhere in the empty space and select open command window here,
then type this, bootsect /nt60 drive letter: and hit enter,
say your thumb drive letter is L then this is what it looks like (without quotes) "bootsect /nt60 L:" it will probably say it may not have worked because access denied, just ignore it, close the window and boot from the usb. if it doesnt let you boot from the usb something about boot MBR missing, change your user account control setting to never notify me, reboot and type the command again.
you can input your cd key during or after the install, the benefit for doing it after is you have 30 days to activate it and you won't have a black screen popping up telling you that you need to activate windows now. if automatic activation fails, (it is a little touchy in the activation area because of the programs removed) just do the phone activation and it will be fine.

Again, this is in no way to be used for pirating, cracking, or patching, it is just the windows that came with the device and you still need a cd key to get any use out of it.

Download Windows 7 home Prem

to reclaim even more space turn off hibernate (google on how to do it) it saves almost 1Gb,

turn off or clear all but the most recent restore points by going to computer> right click C: drive and select properties> select disk cleanup> select more options> you will see the option, (space saved varies)

turn off or reduce paging size, go to start> right click computer and select properties> on the right hand side select advanced system settings> go to advance tab and under performance select settings>advanced>under virtual memory select change, now here you can either turn it off completely (recommended if you upgraded to 2Gb of RAM) or reduce the total size, if you still have only 1Gb of RAM I recommend reducing it to 1Gb then restart the tablet, the computer will only use the space that is allocated here if you are trying to install or open a program that is bigger than the amount of RAM your computer has, i have it turned off and haven't had one problem so far.
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Darn you. I was so happy with ubuntu because it didn't take up a lot of hdd space. Now I want to try this!!! But that would mean reinstalling Win7 then restoring Ubuntu if I don't like it. Everyone already thinks I love reinstalling OSes because I do it so often. Maybe I'll do it this weekend, but the link needs me to register a user name to DL a file greater than 500MB... ho hum.

Great work, though. What you did Microsoft should've done themselves!!!
ha ha! I got impatient and installed ubuntu 11.04 but too many things broke! I have to reinstall 10.10. I suppose I will try this before reinstalling ubuntu!

I'll send feedback soon!
RckyBobby I have install windows, and it looks great!! thx for sharing.

Lets say I like to add some removed windows app/programs (lets say "media center" for example), how can I do that?
RckyBobby I have install windows, and it looks great!! thx for sharing.

Lets say I like to add some removed windows app/programs (lets say "media center" for example), how can I do that?

windows media center should already be taken out, and the only way (that I know of) to take other programs out is to use Vlite, then you have to reinstall windows. I did a lot of testing on this and I removed everything I could without something else being broken.
windows media center should already be taken out, and the only way (that I know of) to take other programs out is to use Vlite, then you have to reinstall windows. I did a lot of testing on this and I removed everything I could without something else being broken.

and what about adding ?
some question about this win7 build:
1. is this build create 1st part 2gb for android and install himself to 2nd partition? or this is normal, bootable, windows installation? what partition mapping I must create?
2. can I run anytime upgrade in this version? I have for this special serial from MS.
3. can you install sp1 on your build? on viewsonics recovered image you can't cause windows don't manage the boot procedure (explained by MS site)

10x a lot!!!
hello fellow vpad10 owners. with a ton of help from rckybobby, not only have I got my 2.2 running full access to market but I have also found a way to install ubuntu 11.04 to the win7/2.2 boot options. now I can hack and test on my tablet with a simple reboot. full details if you are interested, just ask. thanks!
I downloaded and installed your Windows 7 Lite to find out that:

1) I lost touch and network, but after struggling for a few hours, managed to repair this - a warning would have been nice and i still have one "unknown device" (USB?)

2) After Installing Windows 7 (in the Windows partition), dual boot no longer works. I tried for hours with EasyBCD (not so easy) but could not get it to work - did you not encounter this problem?

Please help me to restore GRUB or setu Windows 7 boot manager, so that i can run my Android 2.2 again. I think it still sits on its 2GB partition...
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Hello all Tri-Boot interested fellow VPAD10 owners... I have 10 THNSNB128GMSJ on order directly from Toshiba, not these gray market, possibly FAKE ssd's you find on alibaba or aliexpress or eBay listed as Tosshiba (yes, 2 SS's) TOSSHIBA SSD Hard Drive 128GB SATA THNSNB128GMSJ mini | eBay They are due in by the end of this coming week. by the time I pay the freight from japan, distributer mark up and sales tax (I am not a business), they will cost me about the same as on this site linked above, and he only has 1. only difference is that I will offer them to those interested with android 2.2 preinstalled WITH FULLMARKET ACCESS. If you would like your windows 7 home or professional also installed, all I ask is that you send me your windows 7 install disk and key, I do not preinstall illegal duplicate software. I can also partition the 128GB SSD so that you can have a Tri-Boot Table and install ubuntu and do your own rooting, all in the same 128GB drive. Look for my new forum postings listing the modifications I have made to my VPAD10 including 3G and GPS built in. Check out my profile pic's of what I have come up with for your enjoyment. More to come soon!
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I am also in the same boat as you are in. Would you please do me a favour. may be lets work together to solve it. I request you to make a "linux usb-boot disk". Using linux boot disk, Please copy all the files on to a separate USB. zip them and send them to me, or if you have a dropbox (you can open one) and send me a link. This will probably solve my grub and I will be able to guide through to restore your windows and androids
